April 10(Sun)-13(Wed), 2022

The Third Mini-Workshop on

"Chirality in the Universe

Beyond the Electroweak Scale"

In the phenomenological study of particle flavor mixing theory, the principle pursued the most in last year's research was chirality. It is the 3rd of this workshop where the recent achievements in particle physics and the recent works of participants will be discussed. Please bring your students also whose local experiences will be fully covered.

Organized by KHU, TBA.

Date: April 10 - 13 (Sun - Wed)

Accommodation: The K-Hotel


Department of Physics KyungHee University

Sponsored by:

KyungHee University, CUP, Sungkyunkwan University

오래전 이 자리에는 "不二門" 현판이 걸려 있었으나 새로이 입구를 단장하며 이렇게 볼 품 없이 되었음. 아래 일주문(一柱門)을 세우고 거기에 智異山華嚴寺 현판을 걸고 한 마장쯤 걸어 올라 왔어야 했음. 불이문은 우리 학회 명칭과 부합하고, 불교에서 말하는 천상의 제석천을 지키는 사천왕문 다음 해탈의 경지로 들어가는 문.

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