Keolu Elementary Special Education Resource Guide

SY 20-21

Welcome to Keolu's Special Education Resource Guide for the School Year 20-21

News and Announcements

Reopening SY 20-21 Letter to Parents

Keolu Elementary School information provided for the reopening of school year 20-21. The following is included in the letter: Health & Safety Information

August 7, 2020

Aloha Parents and Guardians,

We look forward to welcoming the return of our students for the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the faculty and staff have been coordinating efforts to ensure the health and safety of everyone.

Health & Safety

In preparing for the reopening, we are focused on meeting the requirements from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) on designing spaces to meet health and safety guidelines. As a part of our Keolu ‘Ohana, we ask that families assist us with updating your contact and emergency contacts and talking to your child(ren) about the importance of following CDC guidelines. Please see our return to school health and safety procedures:

  • Pre-screen your child(ren) prior to sending to school for illness. Please keep them home if they are sick. Students and staff that report feeling ill or showing symptoms of illness shall report to the health room for a health check.

  • In the event of any future positive cases of COVID-19 of a Keolu student or staff, the principal will notify the Complex Area Superintendent with details and if appropriate receive approval for closing the school for up to 14 days. The Department of Health (DOH) will conduct investigations and do contact tracing. DOH will notify any contacts on next steps. HIDOE confidentiality rules apply for all employees.

  • Students must bring a cloth face mask to school. The school will have a limited supply of disposable masks just in case. Face masks will need to be worn on the bus, during transition times from class to class and during times where 6’ distance cannot be maintained. Exceptions will be made for medical reasons, exercising, drinking and eating.

  • High touch areas such as rails in stairwells and community spaces will be cleaned frequently throughout the day. Classrooms will be disinfected and cleaned at least once per day. Health and safety Signage will be provided to assist students and staff.

  • Six foot social distancing will be maintained in classrooms as well throughout the confines of the school such as distancing in the cafeteria and other areas like hallways and stairwells. All students and adults will be required to use a mask with exceptions for outdoor activities which requires physical movement such as recess and Physical Education. Face shields and masks will also be provided for teachers and staff.

  • Hand sanitizer access and dispensers will be placed throughout the campus (cafeteria, high traffic areas, and in classrooms). All classroom and bathroom sinks will be maintained with soap and paper towels. Bathroom will be monitored throughout the day for cleaning and disinfecting.

  • Access to our campus will be restricted to limit the number of people and contact opportunities with our students. All visitors are required to check in at the main office. Visitors will need prior approval by administration.

Contact Information: Robert Hu

808-266-7818 ex. 246