Enterprise 7

Welcome to the Enterprise Product Design Class!

Take the product surveys, starting March 25, to tell the Enterprise students whether you like their product idea

Student Links:

Enterprise Instructions: Detailed, step-by-step instructions for this class

Google Classroom: Access the Trimester 3 class with code lvgn4ss (starts w/ lower-case L)

Enterprise Website: All the businesses, past and present, with their products and videos

Tri 3 Vids and Pics: Clips and photos uploaded from cameras

Computer Use Agreement: Students must agree!

Trimester 3 Check Sheet: Progress, expenses, inventory, profit/loss

Trimester 3 Commercial Videos: Students upload their finished videos with permission

Room 13 Materials: Items that can be used for making products

WeVideo: https://www.wevideo.com/invite/?code=eyJwcm9tbyI6IjYyTEEzVTRMRFRWRyIsImpvaW4iOnRydWUsInJvbGUiOjkyMTB9