Questions & Answers

The Bacich remodel project began immediately after school in June 2018.

Bacich Construction Web Cam

Timeframe & Logistics

Where will the office be during construction?

The office will be located in the same location as it is now.

Will the path and gate to Hal Brown Park be open/closed? How will we access that entrance/exit to the school?

The gate from the Round Building to Hal Brown Park will be inaccessible during construction. We encourage bikers to use the loop behind Marin Enrichment and cross at the crosswalk between Marin Enrichment and the Bacich campus.

The bike path is now open. Bacich families are asked to use the cross-walk to enter campus from the bike path. Crossing guards will be on duty starting at 7:45 a.m.

Why Does It Seem Like Activity Has Stopped at the Building Pad?

We have received questions about the lack of activity on our building pad at Bacich in recent weeks. Design specifications regarding the building slab needed clarification and caused the delay. We are back underway now and anticipate no change to our move-in date next summer.

Where will students eat?

This year's lunch program offers a staggered eating schedule to accommodate each grade level. This should ease the traffic flow and wait time for lunch.

Students will be served and will eat in front of the Community Center.

We continue with Good Earth!

Parking & Drop Off

What will parking look like on campus?

Only fourteen parking spots for 65 staff members will be available in the McAllister parking lot. Most staff members and parents will find parking in our school neighborhoods, along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, or in designated neighbors' driveways, many of whom have offered to share space with staff members.

Three ADA permit parking spots will be available to community members who need them.

There's no doubt about it. Parking will be a challenge for all of us this year.

Where will drop off and pick up be? (What will kindergarten pick up/drop off look like?)

Drop off in the kindergarten lot (off McAllister Avenue) will be similar to what it is now. The big parking lot drop-off located off Sir Francis Drake Blvd. will still be available but the loop around the parking lot will be truncated during the building process.

We will still have our wonderful parent volunteers helping with drop off and pick up each day.

Where will the ADA parking places be located?

There are two available ADA parking spots in the Sir Francis Drake parking lot. There is one available ADA parking spot in the McAllister parking lot.

What is the best way to get to school?

We will open the Bacich Playground at 7:30 a.m. for early arrivals. The playgrounds will be supervised.

Carline begins at 7:45 a.m.

Parking and Drop Off Information. Carline Procedures.

Bacich Park and Walk Map - a great resource for avoiding the Carline!

We encourage all families to take advantage of our fantastic Safe Routes to School program to "walk and roll" to Bacich. On our Safe Routes to School page, you can find the best route to school and connect with your neighborhood captain to join a walking group.

Health & Safety

What about dust and allergy considerations for students who have these issues?

Most of the dust will occur during the dismantling of the Round Building. Once the foundation is put in place this summer, we should have minimum dust issues.

What will noise be like during construction?

If you've ever remodeled your home, it's difficult to escape the noise of construction. Lathrop Construction is in the school construction business and have almost completed Kent's remodel. We hear they are a pleasure to work with and mindful of the needs of the school. However, we also recognize that they are building a new wing of our school.

Will the workers be checked while working at Bacich?

All building contractors who work on school campus' must follow California Ed Code with regards to the safety and monitoring of their employees when working on a school campus, including having them fingerprinted.

How will the district/school handle security concerns with people coming and going?

We will continue to follow the safety protocols currently in place at Bacich. These include: visitors checking in and out of the school office and wearing of visitor badges, using fobs to enter campus from the exterior gates, students being accompanied by buddies when moving about campus during class time, and more.