Welcome to CAM Lab!

dedicated to Control, Automation, and Mechatronics (CAM) systems

Hossein Mirinejad, Ph.D., Director of CAM lab, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Aeronautics and Engineering, Kent State University, Kent, OH. 

Research in CAM lab is focused on advancing the design, modeling, testing, and control of autonomous systems using fundamentals of dynamical systems and automatic control theory. Our research covers a wide range of applications, including aerospace systems, robotics,  and healthcare domains, and integrates several key areas, including computational modeling, optimization strategies, and control engineering techniques, to develop effective, functional strategies for autonomous systems in human life support systems. We employ a combination of rigorous theory and practical implementation to bring new tools to the control system community and show their revolutionary impact on real-world applications. 


June 2024: Troy Sellman joined CAM lab as a SURE student.

June 2024: John Radey and Patrick Coulon joined the CAM lab as participants in the NSF REU AUTOBOT Project.

May 2024: Behrouz Kharabian graduated. Congratulations Dr. Kharabian!

May 2024: Nicholas Baird and Matt Larrivee graduated, congratulations!

Apr. 2024: Dr. Mirinejad received the Healthy Communities Research Institute (HCRI) Faculty Fellowship for his project "Enhancing Health Equity in Critical Care via Novel Data-Efficient Autonomy."

Apr. 2024: The paper "Robust Tracking Control of Flexible Manipulators Using Hybrid Backstepping/Nonlinear Reduced-Order Active Disturbance Rejection Control" was accepted for publication in ISA Transactions (IF: 6.3).

Apr. 2024: The paper "Bayesian Variational Autoencoders for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Physiological Modeling: A Case Study in Fluid Therapy" was accepted for publication in 2024 IEEE EMBC Conf.

Mar. 2024: Dr. Mirinejad received the NSF CAREER Award for the project "CAREER: Towards Safe and Interpretable Autonomy in Healthcare."

Mar. 2024: Elham Estiri's Research was accepted into the Doctoral Consortium at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics (ICHI) in Orlando, FL. Congrats, Elham!  

Mar. 2024: Nicholas Baird received the Ohio Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) graduate fellowship to pursue his master's degree at Kent State University. Congrats, Nicholas!

Jan. 2024: Lucas de Figueiredo Faccio joined the CAM lab as an undergraduate research assistant. 

Dec. 2023: The journal paper "Closed-Loop Control of Fluid Resuscitation Using Reinforcement Learning" was accepted for publication in IEEE Access.

Dec. 2023: Dylan Languis graduated. Congratulations, Dylan! 

Oct. 2023: Nicholas Baird was awarded the  2nd place among CAE students in 2023 SURE Three-Minutes Presentation.

Sep. 2023: Matt Larrivee joined the CAM lab as an undergraduate researcher.

Jul. 2023: The paper "Robust Nonlinear State Space Model Identification for Hemorrhage Resuscitation" was accepted for publication in 2023 IEEE BHI Conf. 

Jun. 2023: The paper "Nonlinear State Space Model Identification of Hemorrhage Resuscitation using Autoencoder learning and Gaussian Inference" was accepted in 2023 IEEE SMC Conf.

Jun. 2023: The paper "Switched Projective Compound Combination Synchronization of Chaotic Systems via Neuro-Fuzzy Sliding Model Control" was accepted in 2023 IEEE SMC Conf.

May 2023: The paper "Precision Dosing in Critical Care: Application of Machine Learning in Fluid Therapy" was accepted for publication in 2023 IEEE ICDH Conf. 

May 2023: Nicholas Baird joined the CAM lab as an undergraduate research assistant.

Jan. 2023: The paper "Switched Combination Synchronization of Nonidentical Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems Using Neuro-Fuzzy Sliding Model Control" was accepted for publication in ACC Conf.

Jan. 2023: The journal paper "Fuzzy Lyapanov Exponents Placement for Chaos Stabilization" was accepted for publication in Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena.

Aug. 2022: The paper "Closed-Loop Control of Mean Arterial Pressure in Fluid Resuscitation using Reinforcement Learning" was accepted for publication in IEEE BHI Conf.

Aug. 2022: Dylan Languis joined the CAM lab as the graduate research assistant.

Jul. 2022: The paper "Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Automated Fluid Administration in Critical Care" was accepted in 2022 IEEE BHI Conf.

Jul. 2022: Elham Estiri Joined the CAM lab as the Ph.D. student.

Jun. 2022: Mohammed Alkharusi and Mustafa Al-Senaidi joined the CAM lab as SURE students.

Jun. 2022: The paper "Fuzzy Feedback Control of Chaotic Systems via Lyapunov Exponents Placement" was accepted in IEEE ICECET Conf.

Mar. 2022: Shubham Rahangdale joined the CAM lab as the graduate research assistant.

Jan. 2022: Dr. Mirinejad received the NSF ERI grant for the project "Precision Dosing in Critical Care: An Automated Modeling and Control Approach."

Nov. 2021: The journal paper "Model-based approach to investigate error in hemodynamic measurements" was accepted for publication in Physiological Measurement.

Oct. 2021: Ryan Chema was awarded the 2nd place among CAE students in 2021 SURE Three-Minute Presentation.

July 2021: The paper "Evaluation of Pressure Recording Configuration on Cardiac Output Measurements" was accepted in 2021 IEEE EMBC Conf.

July 2021: The paper "Precise Warfarin Management through Personalized Modeling and Control" was accepted in 2021 IEEE EMBC Conf.

July 2021: Dr. Mirinejad and Mr. Kharabian received the NSF I-Corps Local Program Award.

June 2021: The paper "Optimal Control of Fluid Resuscitation" was accepted in 2021 IEEE BHI Conf.

June 2021: Ryan Chema joined the CAM lab as part of the SURE program.

May 2021: The journal paper "Chaos Synchronization via Adaptive Backstepping/Sliding Mode control" was accepted for publication in Results in Control & Optimization.

Apr. 2021: Jacob Grant was admitted to Georgia Tech Graduate School. Congratulations, Jacob!

Apr. 2021: Jacob Grant and Saroj Dahal graduated. Congratulations!

Apr. 2021: Saroj Dahal ranked 2nd in 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Mar. 2021: Dr. Mirinejad and Dr. Ali received the NSF I-Corps Local Program Award.

Mar. 2021: The journal paper "RBF-Glaerkin" paper was accepted for publication in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (IF: 15.3).

Oct. 2020: Jacob Grant ranked 1st among CAE students in 2020 SURE competition.

Sept. 2020: Dr. Mohammed Ali and Mr. Behrouz Kharabian joined CAM lab.

Aug. 2020:  The journal paper "Hybrid Sliding Mode/H-Infinity Control" paper was accepted for publication in IEEE Access. 

June 2020: Jacob Grant and Saroj Dahal joined CAM lab as undergraduate researchers.

Jan. 2020: Dr. Mirinejad presented a poster at the NSF SCH workshop. 

Dec. 2019: Dr. Mirinejad was awarded the NSF Smart & Connected Health Aspiring PI Travel Award.