Use this space to find out what you will be doing during class while I am away and for the remainder of WEEK 8

ABout us

Malo e Lelei, My name is Sima Langi and we are a Year 8 class looking to make the most of the opportunities offered to us at Kedgley Intermediate. My purpose is to not only challenge every student and restore the concept of the independent and responsible learner, but to also involve parents and caregivers in the learning of their children for growth to occur both inside and outside the classroom. We are kind, hard-working, respectful and most importantly - FUN! Learning on a classroom site is somewhat new to all of us, but we are looking forward to taking on the challenge. If you need to contact myself at any time during the year - please do not hesitate to email me. 

Enjoy our classroom site and watch it come to life as the year goes on.

Mr Sima Langi

Technology Curriculum Lead & K18 Teacher

classroom playlist

Add To Our Playlist!

Click on the image to the left and fill out the form to add your song/songs. You can fill it out as many times as you want - however, make sure that the song you add is both clean and appropriate.


Term 3 and 4 Reflection


Make copy of the slides and place inside of your writing folder. Answer these questions carefully making sure you answer in full sentences.