Speech Language Pathologists

Welcome to the speech and language pathology website for The Kearsarge Regional School District. This website provides a centralized location for speech language information. Click on the links below to find your school(s).

James House Preschool Karen Roberts Howell, M.S., CCC-SLP krobertshowell@kearsarge.org

New London Elementary School Devon Philibert, M.S., CCC-SLP dphilibert@kearsarge.org

Kearsarge Regional High School and Sutton Central School Heather Berner, M.S., CCC-SLP hberner@kearsarge.org

Simonds and Bradford Elementary Schools Bethany Newcomb, MS., CCC-SLP bnewcomb@kearsarge.org

Kearsarge Regional Middle School Mary Babineau, MS., CCC-SLP mbabineau@kearsarge.org