About James House

James House Preschool is located in New London and provides tuition based preschool programming for residents of New London, Wilmot, Bradford, Sutton, Warner and Springfield. There are a limited number of preschool spaces available. Children of Kearsarge Regional School District residents that will be 3 years old or 4 years old on or before September 30th are eligible to apply. The preschool application online by clicking the "Apply for Preschool" tab.

Our Sessions

James House Preschool offers the following preschool sessions:

3 year old program:

Session 1: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am-11:00am

Session 2: Wednesday/Friday 8:30am-11:00am

Session 3: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am-11:00am

4 year old program:

Tuesday-Friday from 11:00-3:00pm

Special Events/ Field Trips

Art- Once a month, an art therapist comes and works with the preschool students on a special art activity. The students have opportunities to explore multiple art mediums and create work to take home and share with families.

Music- Once a month, a music therapist comes and helps the preschool student explore music through song, dance and instruments!

Walking Trips- Our preschool classes take several walking trips throughout the year to explore the woods, fire station, local businesses, farms, and nature. These walking field trips provide opportunities for preschool students to learn about our community and natural environment while developing communication skills, gross motor skills, cognitive skills, self help skills, and language skills! A single permission slip goes home at the beginning of the year for these types of walking field trips. Students who do not have permission will be provided an alternative activity for that time.

Field Trips- Once or twice a year, the preschool students will take a bus field trip to other parts of our community such as the apple orchard. Permission slips will be sent home that outline the specific field trip, date and whether or not chaperones are needed. Students who do not have permission will be provided an alternative activity for that time.

Our School Year

James House Preschool follows the Kearsarge Regional School District calendar which can be found on the district home page.

Inclement Weather

James House Preschool is part of the Kearsarge Regional School District and follows their policies and procedures for closings. This information can be found on the district's main page. If there is a delayed opening, there will be NO morning preschool session that day. Afternoon programming will occur at normal times.