Mrs. Bewersdorf First Grade

Jennifer Bewersdorf


School Phone: 603.938.5959

Our Classroom Expectations

Daily Schedule Highlights

8:20 - 8:35 Homeroom

10:05-10:20 SNACK

12:05-12:30 LUNCH

12:30-1:00 RECESS

2:25-2:55 Special

Monday- PE

Tuesday- Library

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- Music

Friday - PE

3:00 End of Day


There will be three types of marks seen on your child papers: numbers, checks or symbols.

3 = Proficient (Applies skills independently)

2 = Partially Proficient (Applies skills appropriate to grade level)

1 = Substantially Below Proficient (Needs time to develop skills that are appropriate to grade level)

I will grade papers using the number system after your child has had time to practice and then can demonstrate a level of mastery. Other papers will be practice work. These papers will be spot checked to ensure your child is on the right path to mastery and to see how I need to adjust my teaching so that your child can learn and be challenged. They will be marked like the following:

√+ = practicing skill with minimal assistance

√ = practicing skill with moderate assistance OR completed together as a class

√- = re-teaching needed and additional practice with moderate assistance

Also, you may see smiley faces or stars. These marks indicate that the assignment was completed with quality on a pass/fail assignment or the assignment was completed together as a class.