Life Skills

bccomm3 l1 - communication styles ppt.pptx

Communication Styles

Everyone communicates differently. This presentation will outline four styles of communication and provide suggestions on how to communicate with those who have a different communication style than you.

bccomm1 l2 - active listening ppt.pptx

Active Listening

Active listening is a key component in effective communication. This presentation will explain what active listening is and ways to become a better listener when communicating with others.

bccomm2 l2 - non verbal communication ppt.pptx

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. This presentation will explain different types of nonverbal communication.

bccomm3 l2 - effective collaboration ppt.pptx

Effective Collaboration

Collaboration requires effective communication. This presentation will show you how to collaborate effectively with others.

bccomm1 l3 - communication planning ppt.pptx

Communication Planning

Sometimes it is important to plan out your communications before you deliver them. This presentation will walk you through the steps you should take to plan out important communications.