Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Policy Statement 康橋國際學校-秀岡校區政策聲明

Child abuse and neglect are growing global issues. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child's human rights and impediments to the child's education, as well as their physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Kang Chiao International School-Xiugang Campus supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which our host country, Taiwan, incorporated into domestic law on November 20, 2014, and signed an Instrument of Accession to on May 16, 2016. 


Schools play a unique institutional function in society as child protectors. Schools must provide all students in their care with a safe and secure environment for growth and development, both on and off campus. Due to their ability to monitor and engage with children over time, educators are in a unique position to identify those in need of assistance and protection. As a result, educators have a professional and ethical commitment to identify children in need of assistance and protection and to ensure that the child and family obtain the services necessary to address any condition that constitutes child abuse or neglect.


All Kang Chiao-Xiugang Campus employees are required to report suspected incidences of child abuse or neglect if they have reasonable cause to think that a child has suffered or is at danger of suffering abuse or neglect. All suspected cases of child abuse or neglect will be reported and investigated in accordance with this policy's administrative standards. In addition, suspected cases of child abuse or neglect will be reported to the appropriate  authority, and child protection agency in Taiwan.


Kang Chiao-Xiugang Campus seeks to be a safe haven for students who may be experiencing abuse or neglect in any aspect of their lives. As a result, Kang Chiao-Xiugang Campus will annually distribute this policy to all parents and applicants, communicate this policy to all students, provide training for all staff, make every effort to implement hiring practices that ensure the safety of children, and annually review the policy's compliance and effectiveness.


In the event that a staff member is reported as an accused offender, Kang Chiao-Xiugang Campus will conduct a thorough investigation in accordance with a carefully designed course of due process, with the child's protection as the first priority.


Refer to 30160.html for further information about the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Guiding Principles 指導原則

Child Protection and Safeguarding Committee 兒童保護和保障委員會

Definition of Terms 專有名詞定義

Where cited, the following definitions are taken from these sources: 


Child: All students currently enrolled in Kang Chiao International School – Xiugang Campus


Child abuse: all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment and maltreatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development, or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power."[3]


Physical abuse: is any way of intentionally causing physical harm to a child or young person. It includes but not limited to:


Emotional abuse: also known as psychological abuse. It is any form of abuse that involves the continual emotional mistreatment of a child. Emotional abuse can involve deliberately trying to scare, humiliate, isolate, or ignore a child. It includes but not limited to:


Online abuse: is any form of abuse that happens on the internet. It can happen across any device connected to the web, like computers, tablets, and mobile phones. And it can happen anywhere online, including:

網路濫用:是在網路上發生的任何形式的濫用。它可以發生在連接到 Web 的任何設備上,例如電腦、平板電腦和行動電話。它可以發生在任何線上位置,包括:

Sexual Abuse: involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact[7] or non-contact activities. This includes involving children in producing or viewing pornographic material or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.[8]


Sexual harassment: refers to any conduct listed below the circumstances of which are not of an extent to constitute a sexual assault:


Sexual bullying: refers to engaging in ridicule, attacks, or threats directed at another person's gender characteristics, gender traits, sexual orientation, or gender identity using verbal, physical, or other forms of violence that are not in the category of sexual harassment.[9] 


Sexual assault: is defined as a situation where a person breaks any of the articles

under Chapter 16: Sexual Offences of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China. Refer

to the KCIS – Xiugang Campus Prevention of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or

Sexual Bullying Policy for the identification of these articles.

性侵犯:定義為一個人違反《中華民國刑法典》第16章:性犯罪的任何條款的情況。請參閱KCIS – 秀岡校區防止性侵犯,性騷擾或性欺淩政策,以識別這些文章。

Sexual exploitation: When a child or young person is exploited, they're given things, like gifts, drugs, money, status, and affection, in exchange for performing sexual activities. Exploitation can happen online. When a child is sexually exploited online, they might be persuaded or forced to:


Neglect: is the ongoing failure to meet a child's basic needs and the most common form of child abuse[11]


Bullying: is behavior that hurts someone else. It includes name-calling, hitting, pushing, spreading rumors, threatening or undermining someone. Bullying can take different forms. It could include:


Cyberbullying: is bullying that takes place online. Unlike bullying in the real world, online bullying can follow the child wherever they go via social networks, gaming, and mobile phone. Cyberbullying can include:


Grooming: is when someone builds a relationship, trust, and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit, and abuse them. [13]


Child Protection and Safeguarding (CPS) Committee: Appointed by the school to handle reported or unreported cases of child abuse. 兒童保護和保障(CPS)委員會:由學校任命,負責處理報告或未報告的虐待兒童案件。

See the appendix for the committee’s organizational chart 委員會組織結構圖見附錄

Reporting an Allegation, Disclosure, or Suspicion of Abuse/Neglect 舉報指控、披露或涉嫌濫用行為/忽略

All KCIS employees are required to report allegations, disclosures, and/or suspicions of child abuse to the Discipline Section of the Department of Student Affairs. The Principal will be notified in all cases within 24 hours. A report will be filed following the protocols and procedures set in Sections VII and X of KCIS - Prevention of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Bullying Policy. 

所有KCIS員工都必須向學務處生輔組報告虐待兒童的指控,披露和/或懷疑。所有情況下,校長將在24小時內收到通知。將按照KCIS第七節和第十節中規定的協定和程式提交報告 - 防止性侵犯,性騷擾和性欺淩政策。

Staff Code of Conduct 員工行為準則

Public and private interactions of all KCIS employees with students must adhere to the highest ethical conduct standards. KCIS-Xiugang Campus' Code of Conduct contains practical guidelines to ensure that every child on campus is safe from intentional and unintentional harm from adults and their peers. It will also alert faculty and staff to the prohibition of behaviors that could be perceived as Grooming. 所有KCIS員工與學生公開及私下的互動必須遵守最高的道德行為標準。以下列舉具體務實的準則,以確保校園內的每個孩子都免受成人及其同儕有意和無意傷害。亦提醒教職員工注意可能被視為「引誘」的禁制行為。

In the case of a criminal act, the matter will be referred to the Ministry of Education. The Principal and Associate Principal will review any breaches of the Code of Conduct. 如果發生犯罪行為,該事件將通報至教育部,且校長和副校長將督察任何違反行為準則的行為。

Duty of Care

All staff has a duty to keep students safe and to protect them from physical and emotional harm. Staff should: 所有工作人員都有責任保護年輕學生的安全,並保護他們免受身心傷害。工作人員應該:

Campus Safety Contacts

Child Protection Reporting Procedure Flow Chart.pdf