Band Notes

Updated Thursday, September 17, 2024

Band Notes

Beginner Band:

It has been a great first 6 weeks learning to make our first sounds on our instruments! All beginner band students should be bringing home their instruments to practice each day. Playing a musical instrument is a skill, and skills only develop with consistent practice.Daily practice is expected and is a requirement for every band course. Next week, students will start tracking their individual practice with a practice record for a grade.

Practice Records

The Practice Record works like a reading log. It is on paper and will be kept in the front of each student's binder. Students should write down the number of minutes they practice each day. Practice Records will be checked weekly. Please see the practice record that will be sent home on Monday for the grading rubric and details.

Pepnic Concert - Friday, September 27, 2024

Concert, Symphonic, Honor Bands

Our first concert of the year is next week! Bring your lawn chairs and favorite picnic type snack as the Concert, Symphonic, and Honor Bands perform pep tunes in the BDJH Courtyard. See the link below for more information!

Pepnic Concert Letter

All Region Band Entries Due: Tuesday, October 1

Required for Honor, available to Concert, Symphonic 

Students and parents should complete the entry form together. You will need to be logged into Google, students can use their Katy ISD student account.

 Click here for All Region Band Entry Form

Friday, October 4: Pep Rally

For Concert, Symphonic, Honor Bands

Student assembly. The band will play music from our Pepnic for our BDJH students.

Friday, October 11, 2024 Junior High Night with the SLHS Band!

For Concert, Symphonic, Honor Bands

Our students will perform in the stands with the SLHS Band at the SLHS vs. Jordan HS Football Game.

Band Picture Day - Tuesday, October 16, 2024

Beginner, Concert, Symphonic, Honor Bands

Students will wear the formal band uniform for the picture that will appear in the school yearbook.

Beginner: Band t-shirt, blue jeans with no holes or rips, casual shoes. 

Concert, Symphonic, Honor: Concert black attire. Please see the last page of the Performing Band Supply List for details.

Friday, October 25, 2024 Fall Band Party "What a Character!"

Beginner, Concert, Symphonic, Honor 

Band's biggest social event of the season - a DJ Party at BDJH! Students dress up as their favorite character at an evening of fun for all. Stay tuned for more information and how to sign up.

New - Printable Performance Calendars

Back by popular demand - a printable list of the performance dates for each band. Please scroll to the bottom of the calendar page to access the document for your child's band.

Updated Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Band Notes 2024 - 2025

Back to School!

The band directors, Mrs. Steber, Mr. Churak Simpson, and Mrs. Kemp, are very excited to welcome the students back to school next week. This note is just to touch base before school starts.

Band Information: Please bookmark this band website and check it from time to time. We have noticed that email blasts can get blocked by well intentioned spam filters or buried under the masses of email that we all seem to get these days. We will still email, but if you notice that you haven't heard from us in awhile, check the "Band Notes" page. It is our goal to copy any mass communication here so that all parents can access it as needed. 

Start of Year Information: We have linked all the Start of Year band information on the home page of the band website. You will find links to: 

Beginner Band: Need to select your instrument? If you have not met with a band director to select your instrument, please follow this link to fill out the New Student Survey as soon as possible. Different instruments meet at different times during the school day, we want to make sure we get you scheduled correctly to avoid any schedule changes after the school year starts.

Need to rent an instrument? If you have selected your instrument, but have not made arrangements for it yet you will want to take care of that as soon as possible. This close to the beginning of school there is often a rush on the stores. The sooner you make arrangements with the music store, the better. You can find supply lists and a map to local music stores via the links above or by visiting the Resources page of the band website.

Concert/Symphonic/Honor Band Instruments and Supplies If you are continuing in the Beckendorff Band, you likely already have most of the items on the supply list, but it never hurts to double check and make sure you can find it all before school starts. Please refer to the Performing Band Supply List to check. If you are missing something, you should be able to get them from one of Katy's local music stores. MUSIC STORE MAP

Please don’t bring anything band related on the very first day of school. We will need to show you where to store your things and don’t want you to have to carry it to all of your other classes! You will bring it on the second day.

Can I drop off my instrument at the Bear Blast? Sorry, no. This year the band hall will not be open during the Bear Blast. Please bring all of your band supplies on the SECOND day of school. Thanks!

2nd/3rd year students: Make sure your instrument is in good working order this week. It is a good idea to oil valves/grease slides/check reeds etc. this week. If you need to get supplies at the music store, now is a good time to do it. If you need a supply list you can visit our band website to access it on the Forms/Resources page.

How do I know which band I am scheduled in?  Beginner Band classes will have the instrument listed on your class schedule so you should be all set by looking at your schedule. But performing bands are coded differently. Those students will see Band 1, 2, or 3. The number only refers to how long they have been in band at Beckendorff, not the name of their band.

To know which band you are in, look at what class period it meets.

3rd period – Concert Band

4th period – Honor Band

5th period – Symphonic Band

Parent Volunteers  It is impossible to manage a band program of this size without the generous support of our parent volunteers.  There will be many opportunites throughout the year to help; from donations of post rehearsal snacks, party organization and planning, to chaperones at our many band performances and events. We truly couldn't do it without you. 

Katy ISD uses the Raptor Volunteer Initiative to help streamline volunteer activities across campuses, and it is time to register or renew for the new school year.  Please visit our Band Volunteer  page where you can find information about how to register as a volunteer. Thank you!

Other questions? We have tried to address the most frequently asked questions with this note. If you don't see the answer to your question here, please visit the FAQ page on our website, or send one of the directors an email. We are happy to help with any questions you might have. We are so excited to start the school year and can't wait to see you!

Susan Steber, Head Band Director 

Jonathan Churak Simpson, Assistant Band Director 

Lela Kemp, Assistant Band Director