Ehri's Phases of Word Reading

Planning For Our Earliest Readers

Nothing is more amazing than watching a child crack the "code" and grasp the alphabetic principle that begins their reading journey! This does not happen by chance! Very explicit deliberate instruction has to take place for the brain to learn to do a task it was never hard-wired to perform. The links below will connect you with what research is telling us about the critical components of reading instruction for ALL students.  

Ehri's Phases of Word Reading

According to Linnea Ehri, children pass through 4 phases to become word readers. Check out the resources below to learn more about these phases.

Ehri's Phases of Word Reading graphic

Article for Deeper Learning about Ehri's Phases

Linnea Ehri's Article on the Phases

Emily Hanford Hard Words

Emily Hanford At a Loss for Words