Grade Level

Distance Learning

There isn't a day that goes by that we do not miss all of you. We are looking forward to the day that we all can go back to school. In the mean time, use your grade website to keep your skills and learn what you will need to be prepared for next school year. Contact your teacher for questions on classwork, contact school office for all other inquires.

When participating in your online classroom, to show respect to teachers and other families no recording is allowed.

Be Proactive you can do this and have fun.

If you need help call our school's phone and or contact your teacher. This is a password protected site. If you use this log in more than once it will say you have submitted already. So, your second time you will be resubmitting.

Begin With The End In Mind! Learn as much as you can to bee ready for second grade.

No password required to use this website.

Put First things First, plan out your week so you don't miss anything. Including having fun.

This is a password protected site. If you use this log in more than once it will say you have submitted already. So, your second time you will be resubmitting.

Think Win-Win!

No password required to use this website.

Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood.

This is a password protected site. If you use this log in more than once it will say you have submitted already. So, your second time you will be resubmitting.

Synergize! Things are done better together.

No password required to use this website.

Sharpen The Saw! Live a balanced life.

No password required to use this website.

Find Your Voice!

No password required to use this website.