The Wolfpack Weekly 

WV Walkout

By Anthony Boyles, Dante Rego, and Link Nichols

Thirteen West Valley students staged a walkout that lasted 28 minutes on November 7.

The students included Renee Peterson, Greta Kenaston, Mariana Low, and Shelby Seekins.

The students staged the walkout to support Mat-Su student school board representative Ben Kolendo, whom the Mat-Su school board removed from his post after a school board meeting. The walkout was also to show their disapproval of the Mat-Su school board working to ban 56 books.

West Valley student Bodin Kind said "We want to make sure student voices are heard."

Kind also mentioned that these same issues are not as present in the Fairbanks school district, but only in Mat-Su. 

Halloween Spirit Week 2023

By Ashanti Ladrillono

West Valley High school hosted a spirit week Oct. 23 - 27. Monday's theme was "flower power", Tuesday was "anything but a backpack" day, Wednesday was "heroes v.s villains", Thursday was costume day, and students ended the week off on Friday with "Barbie and Ken". 

At the assembly on Thursday Oct. 26, they announced the winners of each day. Alex Stevens won "flower power", Benjamin won for "anything but a backpack" by bringing in a lawnmower, and Isaac Gripper won "hero v.s villians" dressing up as Frozone. 

They also held a costume contest and there were five categories; couple/duo costume, most creative, scariest costume, and group costumes. 'Thing one and Thing two' won for duo costume, 'Telephone' won for most creative, a green scary clown won for scariest costume, and Men in Black won for group costume. The winners were determined by having the audience cheer whenever they announced the costume and the costume with the loudest cheer won. 

West Valley ended the assembly off by doing our schools cheer and students went on with their normal school day. 

West Valley students and staff appear to always enjoy school assemblies, and spirit weeks. 

Photos by Anthony Boyles and Ani Russell

Our Mission

 ​The purpose of The Wolfpack Weekly is to unify the student body by giving them a voice and promoting school spirit. We strive to keep West Valley students informed about current and relevant events in our school, community, and the world. The administration does not review The Wolfpack Weekly prior to publication, and the staff of the paper is responsible for all content