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Opinion topic of the week:

When do you think the entire U.S. will be out of quarantine?

"It depends where you are. In states like Virginia, the stay at home order lasts until at least early June. Virginia is not close to hitting their peak, while other states have hit the peak. My guess is everyone in all the states will be out quarantine by the end of summer. That doesn't say that this couldn't come back, however." -Anonymous

"I think some states will still be in shelter at home until the end of June. " -Anonymous

"I think some people will choose to come out of quarantine when there is a vaccine. Most people might start to come out in the next couple months when stay at home orders lift." -Anonymous

“My guess on when everyone will stop quarantining in the US is that it will be soon, maybe a month to a month and a half. I think that with improved testing and monitoring the US can address those areas in the country that have ongoing problems or problems that crop up. And by vulnerable individuals keeping out of crowds and using masks and hand washing and sanitizing. I’m in that vulnerable group because I am 67, but I want to see families get back to work and school for the sake of their own futures.” -Anonymous