Secondary Transition

Effective Secondary Transition Planning and Services

Effective secondary transition planning and services are critical to post-school success in education, training, integrated employment, and independent living or community engagement.  Multiple factors contribute to a successful life after high school.

The purpose of transition services, coordinated by schools, is to facilitate students with disabilities moving from school to post-school activities.  In the state of Hawaii, this process involves students with disabilities, families, educators, community service providers, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), the Department of Health (DOH), counselors, and employers, who are critical to a student’s life and should collaborate to achieve independence and successful post-secondary outcomes, after high school.

The Exceptional Support Branch logo.


Links to resources and information on popular transition topic areas from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition:  The Collaborative (NTACT:C). Topics include Community Engagement and Independent Living, Data Collection and Use Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Effective Practices, Employment, Family Engagement, Graduation/Dropout, Interagency Collaboration, Postsecondary Education, Pre-Employment Transition Services, Student Youth Engagement, VR Transition Services,

A list of our parent partners that provide parent support groups and training sessions about the transition process for students and families after high school.  This page also includes the JNP-Family Engagement Transition Toolkit that provides information that will help families, caregivers, school counselors, and service providers offer guidance as you develop your academic or employment goals.

State service websites that provide services for students in need of assistance in independent living and working

All of the Hawaii State Department of Education toolkits, guidelines, and handbooks that pertain to transition.  It also provides videos and training resources for teachers and schools to implement successful transition-related assessments and programs.

The Post Secondary Support Project offers ongoing coaching support to students with significant support needs at Kapiolani, Honolulu, Leeward, Windward, and Hawaii Community Colleges and the University of Hawaii  (UH) Maui College.  Their goal is to create inclusive postsecondary education opportunities for students with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities at each UH System Community College Campus.  This page also includes links to all of Hawaii's Community College's Disabilities Centers.  These individual colleges can assist in the transition process to attend college for students with disabilities.

Contact Information

Educational Specialist:  Heather Chapman (

Site updated 02/2024

The Civil Rights Compliance Branch (CRCB), in the Office of Talent Management, is committed to the Hawaii State Department of Education's overall compliance with Federal, State, departmental Administrative Rules, and Policies, which strictly prohibit any form of discrimination.