
To provide all students with postsecondary and career success for all students through industry-standard educational experiences and authentic learning that entwines technical and employability skills with academics.

Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & mathematics


Vision:  All students will be leaders in the fields of Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics through the development of their knowledge, skills, and attitudes to succeed in a modern global society.

Diploma +1 Philosophy:  Knowledge, gained through specific college and career experiences while in high school, gives graduates a competitive edge.  Our goal as an academy is for all STEAM graduates to not only earn their diploma but earn at least one of the following in addition:


Recommended courses to be taken each year (click on pathway name in blue to view program of study)

Information Technology Cybersecurity

Information Technology Networking

Information Technology Programming / AP Programming


Content will be covered throughout courses, however, the certification exam will be taken through a separate vendor.  Certifications fulfills the STEAM philosophy of “Diploma +1” which gives students the opportunity to gain industry recognized certifications while in high school.