
The Academy of Creative Media will provide all students opportunities to ensure college and career readiness through creative and experiential learning that allow for real world application of content knowledge and technological skills.


The Academy of Creative Media graduates are empowered with real world media skills. They are able to produce creative solutions to complex problems.

Academy of Creative Media



Animation Pathway will be ending with SY 2023-2024.


Film & Media Production 

Formerly known as "Broadcast Media"

This pathway is designed to give students hands-on opportunities in industry and equipment skills used in film production. Through a variety of experiences, students will learn production plan process skills including script writing, storyboard creation, stage setting, lighting equipment and video/audio recording and production editing. We are partnering with ‘Olelo, a broadcasting company, to get students certified with the Camera, Editing, and being a Producer. We are working with ‘Olelo to continue this certification in the future. Students will also be able to work with a business within the community to get more real world experiences.  


Digital Design

Formerly known as "Graphic Design"

Our Digital Design pathway is focused on helping students find their passion through hands-on and real world experiences. This pathway is designed to allow students to learn about the digital design process and the creation of basic design work and page layouts reflective of the process. In the past, we have worked with clients such as Dole Plantation, Meadow Gold, and Ewa Beach Elementary. Students will also learn the ins and outs of running a small business. From ideation to creation, students will gain experience on how to market, print/produce (using our print shop), and sell their products.


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and certifications offered through 'Olelo Broadcast's internship.


Film & Media Production Program of Study

Formerly known as "Broadcast Media" 

Film & Media Production Program of Study.pdf

Digital Design Program of Study

Formerly known as "Graphic Design

Digital Design Program of Study.pdf

Follow us on Instagram @jchsacm

Please visit the Academy of Creative Media Website for more information on the Film & Media Production and Digital Design programs of study.