IRS Certification Exam

All the tools you need for completing the IRS certification exam

Join us for a testing session for additional support - we're happy to help!  Come for all or part of the session to ask questions as you work through the exam.

In person testing sessions

At CCAC Allegheny Campus, North Side

Saturday, January 4 12:00-3:00 PM

Saturday, January 11 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM 

Sunday, January 12 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Friday, January 17 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM 

Sunday, January 19 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM 

At CCAC Boyce Campus, Monroeville

Saturday, January 18 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM 

Bring a laptop to work on your exam!

Virtual testing sessions

Join Via Zoom 

Testing Tips

Do NOT take the basic or advanced test before completing training.  

New volunteers will start the certification exam during basic training sessions and can finish at the training site or at home.  

Returning volunteers: The online test is available at  

Instructions and Resources:

All tax volunteers must complete the Standards of Conduct and Intake and Interview exams.  Tax Preparers must complete either the Basic or Advanced certification.  Do not take the Circular 230 exam.

To complete the basic or advanced test, you will answer questions based on a scenario provided in the exam.  Each exam requires you to complete three tax returns and then answer questions about the completed returns.  You will use TaxSlayer practice lab to complete the returns.  The VITA certification book (6744) includes the documents needed to complete the tax returns.  

The answers for all exams are entered at to be automatically scored.  You must receive at least 80% to pass and the exam can be taken twice.  Please come to a testing session for additional support with the exam, particularly if you don't pass the first time.  We are happy to help make sure you understand the content and are back on track before submitting the exam again.  All of your work will save if you start the exam and are unable to complete it all in one sitting.

Instructions for setting up an account on (new website from last year). 

IRS VITA Certification book (Pub 6744) - all test questions including documents for completing returns.

TaxSlayer Practice Lab Instructions - TaxSlayer is updated for 2024 and will continue to make improvements as we get closer to tax season.

Known errors on tests (advanced, OPI and Site coordinator test corrections)

Bottom line answers will be posted here as soon as they're available.

For questions about the test, please contact Vaughn at