Global Warming
We believe that global warming is the world's biggest issue. We have researched what is causing global warming and how that impacts the planet. We've also researched solutions to try to learn what we can do about it.
Our Thesis Statement: Global Warming is a very serious global issue that has impacted not just humans, but animals, homes, and so much more. Global warming doesn't only affect others around the world, but also us. We can take action to help stop global warming.
image created by Mason, using Canva
Our central idea: We share responsibility of caring for our world by taking action locally on global issues.
Here are our lines of inquiry:
1. What is causing the climate to change?
2. The science behind global warming.
3. What changes are happening in the world because of global warming?
4. Stopping global warming
Our key concepts: causation, function, change, responsibility
Our presenter
This is Dr. Dominika Parry. She is the president of 2C Mississippi. If you want to learn more about her and what she is doing to help stop global warming, go to
Climate Time Machine
Click this link to visit NASA's Climate Time Machine to see for yourself how things have been changing over time.