Sensory Integration

Sensory processing disorders: The ability to interpret and process information from touch, taste, movement, vision and hearing.

Children who have deficits in sensory processing may present with one or more of the following:

  • Fear of movement
  • Overly sensitive to touch (can’t tolerate getting hair cut, won’t touch typical school materials such as glue or paint, can’t stand to get messy), textures (will only wear certain clothes), tastes (extremely picky eaters)
  • May appear to be driven by motor, constantly moving or escalates with movement. Seeks out spinning, kicking, jumping, bear hugs etc.
  • Unable to tolerate being in a busy or loud environment—may act out, become aggressive, cover ears etc.
  • Sensitivity to sound; covers ears or becomes frightened with certain sounds like vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, etc.
  • Uncoordinated, clumsy, unable to keep up with other children