Play Attention®

Play Attention® is a patented, dynamic integrated learning system built on NASA-proven technology that allows you to train your brain to gain focus, improve concentration, pay attention, and help overcome the challenges associated with lock of focus and inattentiveness.


  • Paying attention at will
  • Decreasing inappropriate behavior
  • Finishing tasks/homework on time
  • Filtering out distractions
  • Better memory to take multiple step instructions or remember where you leave things

Who would benefit?

  • A child who constantly does homework over the course of hours when it should take minutes.
  • A child who reads a story but can't tell you what it's about.
  • A child who can't sit still for more than a few seconds at a time.
  • A child who seems anti-social or can't keep his hands to himself.
  • A child who is having trouble learning, even though he/she exhibits high intelligence.
  • A child who can play video games for hours on end, but can't carry on a full conversation or complete an activity.
  • A child who has sudden and constant outbursts at school that is getting them into trouble.
  • A child who has difficulty following directions.
All information obtained from the Play Attention® website. Please visit their website for more information: