Interactive Metronome®

The Interactive Metronome® (IM) is a brain-based rehabilitation assessment and training program developed to directly improve the processing abilities that affect attention, motor planning, and sequencing.


  • Increased Attention and Concentration
  • Increased Language Processing
  • Improved Behavior (Aggression and Impulsivity)
  • Improved Motor Control and Coordination
  • Increased Self-Regulation
  • Improved Academic Performance including: reading comprehension, reading rate and fluency, executive functions, mathematics, processing speed, and working memory

Who could benefit?

  • Children who experience academic difficulties, learning difficulties, Dyspraxia, or Dyslexia
  • Children who experience difficulties associated with: ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, or Sensory Integration/Sensory Processing Deficits
  • Children who have poor motor control, bilateral coordination, or coordination required for physical activities (such as sports, P.E., playgrounds, etc).
  • Children who have neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Stroke, Apraxia, or head injuries
  • Children who have been diagnosed with: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), or Auditory Processing Disorder
All information obtained from the Interactive Metronome® website. Please visit their website for more information: