
"This powerful brain training tool is designed to help improve memory, attention, perception, reasoning, planning, judgment, general learning, and overall executive functioning"

Targeted areas of improvement for all ages:

  • Auditory Sequential Memory: The ability to remember a sequence of information presented orally.
  • Working Memory Capacity: A memory resource that is used to accomplish task such as reasoning and language comprehension.
  • Sequential Memory Patterns: The ability to remember forms or characters in the correct order. This skill is particularly important in spelling.
  • Visual Memory Identification: The skill which enables you to recall or remember the visual details of what you have seen.
  • Numeric Perceptual Recall: The ability and perceive and recall numbers
  • Conceptual Sequential Patterns: The ability to understand patterns put in a sequence.
  • Auditory Pattern Recognition: The ability to determine similarities and differences in the pattern of sounds. This involves various aspects of timing and the ability to fuse information together (auditory integration).
  • Selective Comparison Reasoning: The ability to decide what mentally stored information is relevant for solving a problem.
  • Visual Scanning Identification: The ability to actively find relevant information in our surroundings quickly and efficiently (example: scanning a certain person in a crowded restaurant).
All information obtained from the BrainTrain® website. Please visit their website for more information: