Music and Worship Exhibition

Journey Academy

Among Us

The three weeks of this Quest flew by. It has been a time of learning about serving with heroes secretly serving each other and collectively serving Kids’ Food Basket. It has been a time of learning the intricacies of joyful rhythms as the heroes have innovated creative practices like gymnastic percussion (look in the videos). It has been a time of reading Isaiah 9, Luke 2 and John 1 to study the Christmas story. It has been a time of responding to musical worship through art.

And I think the John 1 passage where Jesus made his dwelling among us was an apt description for these three weeks. He came and made His dwelling among us as we served like He did. He came and made His dwelling among us as Ms. Jamie collaborated with heroes to arrange the worship songs. He came and made His dwelling among us as heroes explained to Ms. Kristin about how their art is a response to worship.

The Heroes are excited to share what they’ve learned with you. He is among us; and that’s why we worship.

Dr. T