(Creative, Amazing, iNquisitive, and Exciting Students)

Whole Group Enrichment


Future C.A.N.E.S. is a program that is designed to stimulate creativity and thought through lessons that focus on Torrance's creativity model as well as higher level thinking skills. Future C.A.N.E.S. is a 30-40 minute weekly class for all students in Kindergarten-2nd grade. It’s also known as “Whole Group Enrichment.” The students are introduced to the Four Creative Thinking Skills: Fluency (Brainstorming), Flexibility (Piggybacking Ideas), Originality, and Elaboration. Follow –up activities allow for the children to apply these newly learned skills. The students will be involved in many creative problem solving activities and strategies, which will help them throughout their lifetime. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is also taught. These skills include: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. In addition to the teaching of higher-level thinking skills, reinforcing the Common Core, the magnet theme will also be incorporated into the Future C.A.N.E.S. lessons.