Clayton High School


Remote Learning Hub

Welcome to Honors Biology!

We're happy to be working with you this year. We've collected resources and information that will be helpful to you as we embark on the remote learning portion of the course. Use the tabs at the top of this page to take a look around!

Course Overview

Unit 1: Biochemistry

What are the molecules that make our bodies work? What do these biomolecules do? How do enzymes work and why do they matter?

Unit 2: Cells

What are the parts of a cell and what do they do? How do cells get and use energy? How do they move materials in and out?

Unit 3: DNA and Protein Synthesis

How is information passed from one organism to another? What does DNA do? How do organisms make proteins?

Unit 4: Genetics

What determines our traits? How can we predict the patterns by which we inherit these traits?

Unit 5: Biotechnology

How do scientists use organisms and biological processes to make products that people want and need?

Unit 6: Evolution

How do species change over time? How do new species come into existence? How can we study the history of life on Earth?

Unit 7: Ecology

How do living things interact with each other and with their environments? How do humans impact the balance of the environment?