“Every Child Thriving” 

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to our Spring Term 1 newsletter.  As Winter transitions into Spring I am always reminded of words such as renewal, energy and optimism .  It's been a short but intense half-term during which we have managed challenging  weather and the impact of widespread illness amongst staff and students.  These are not unusual issues for this time of the year and I am always buoyed up by the way staff pull together to ensure that such challenges are managed in the best way possible.  That requires a positive mental attitude and I am of the view that 'you can't change what you can't change' so you must positively focus on what you can manage  when the going gets a little tougher.  So I would urge everybody to approach their challenges in 'spring' mode - with a sense of renewed purpose,  positive energy and optimism!

Vehicles on school grounds

Remember that vehicles should not be driven onto campus unless you are authorised to do so by the school office.  Please park and walk.  Unauthorised drivers are increasing the risk of accident by significantly adding to the volume of traffic.

 If authorised to do so, parents should drop-off directly in front of reception.  Please do not use the parking bays for drop-off.  The car-park directly in front of school is for staff vehicles only.

Please also be reminded that vehicle engines should be switched off when dropping off, or waiting for  students to come out of school.   Idling  causes air pollution which is harmful to the school community.  

Mobile Phone Policy - 'no see, no hear'

At John Colet we have a 'no see, no hear' policy for mobile phones while students are on school site.  In a community of over 1000 people it would be disruptive to learning for phones to be used by students. Insisting that a parent or carer collects the phone acts as a deterrent to phones being used. 

During school hours, should you need to contact your child please telephone the School Office and we will get a message to them.  Alternatively if a student needs to contact their parent/carer they should go to the Student Support office or Reception where they can request to ring home.

Unfortunately, at times parents try to contact students directly which causes their phone to go off during lessons - this results in the student having their phone confiscated as per our school policy and it will be a parent/carer that will have to pick the mobile phone up from the School Office.   If you are unable to collect the phone please arrange for a family member, or responsible adult to collect it on your behalf.  Students will not be able to pick up their phone themselves under any circumstance.  A number of students have raised the issue of having to use their phone to pay for transport home. If this is the case the student needs to come and speak to the school office. We will arrange for a loan which will need to be reimbursed the next day.  

School Attendance

Following our return to school in the new year, we have seen an increased level of seasonal illnesses and know that a number of students have missed school as a result. The NHS advises that children are able to come to school with symptoms such as a minor cough or cold, and are encouraged to throw away used tissues and wash their hands regularly to minimise the spread of germs. We saw the importance of good hand hygiene during the pandemic, and it is a timely reminder to continue with thorough hand washing as often as possible.

We have also seen an increase in the number of students arriving late to school.  We do appreciate that the traffic in the local area can be unpredictable, and the buses and trains have also made an impact with strikes and delays. We ask that you mitigate any delays by checking timetables and using apps such as google maps or Waze to plan your journey in the mornings. We continue to see a number of students arrive late who tell us they simply did not get up or leave the house in time for them to arrive in school for registration. If your child is arriving late to school, please do support them with their punctuality by ensuring they go to bed at a reasonable time, and get up in plenty of time to get ready and leave the house on time.  Please also encourage them to pack their bags and ensure their uniform and any equipment they need is ready the night before to minimise any last minute delays.

We have previously mentioned the impact that taking term time holiday has on a child's attendance and engagement in school, and ask again that you make any arrangements for family get togethers, trips, celebrations and adventures in the 13 weeks of school holidays. We know that students not only miss lessons when they are away but also miss out on important time spent with their friends, joining in with extra curricular activities and engaging with school. We are seeing an increasing number of behaviour issues and school avoidance in students who have had term time holiday, and these issues can be easily avoided by making school a priority and taking breaks outside of term time.

We do understand that parents/carers are often given no alternatives when offered medical appointments during the school day. Of course, it is important that children are accessing medical treatment, and ask that you let us know of any appointments by reporting the absence using the google form on the home page of the school website, and also emailing proof of the appointment to attendance@johncolet.co.uk. We do ask that you make appointments outside of school hours where possible, including for routine appointments such as eye tests or dental check ups, and return students to school immediately afterwards.

We hope you all have an enjoyable half term break, and the brighter weather of the Spring term will bring health, happiness and good attendance!

With kind regards

Di and Natalie, the attendance team

Careers update

Careers Fair

As part of the National Apprenticeship Week programme we held our annual careers fair on Wednesday and we welcomed 19 exhibitors from a wide range of organisations.  All year groups got the opportunity to attend and find out more information about possible next steps after year 11 and year 13.  We were pleased to have Louie, an ex-student, now working with Tesla on their Future Talent Programme visit and bring a Tesla vehicle to show our students.

Next half term we have a talk about careers in the RAF on Monday 26th February during form time, students who would like to attend can book a place with Mrs Sinacore, email tsinacore@johncolet.co.uk


The school eLibrary has had an update!  Log in to check out what is new.  New titles added every month. 

Oxford Playhouse - 25th January 2024

On 25th January we took Year 10 and 11 Drama students to the Oxford Playhouse to see a student production of The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov. It was a great production, and provided plenty of material for the students to write about in Section B of their exam pieces. Several members of public who were a part of the audience commented on how well behaved our students were - I am incredibly proud of the behaviour that every single student demonstrated. They were fantastic ambassadors to the school - well done!

We are delighted to announce the reopening of our Nearly New Uniform Shop! The shop is open everyday at 8:15-8:45am and is being run by Mrs Clark and her fab team of Sixth Formers.  If your child has lost or outgrown an item of their uniform, please encourage them to come to the shop. 

Rewards and Consequences

Year 7

An outstanding performance for the Year 7 thus far with all forms in the top 10 for R points. Congratulations to 7G the class with the top R points 3887. Followed by 7C with 3539 points. Since January, 7G has accumulated the most points. We would like to commend our top 3 R point earners so far in Year 7 Finley Cleaver, Meredith Knight and Ella Atkinson. They are closely followed by Norah Jeffcoat and Ellie Gordon. 

Year 8

What an amazing start to the year. Year 8 have had with regards to their R points with the students achieving 13,872 within one term.  This was an amazing achievement, well done!

However there is still work to do and so I would like us to focus on getting the small things right to ensure that we don’t receive unnecessary C points.  With a renewed focus on avoiding C1 behaviour I am sure that we will be able to improve our current ratio!

Year 9

The R points for year 9 keep rolling in. Congratulations to 9C who are in the lead with 2361 R points, closely followed by 9G with 2336. The student with the highest recognition points is Alfred Pollington-Byrne, a phenomenal achievement.  There are 30 students with no consequence points at all this year. This is a fantastic way to start the year - well done! 

Year 10

A huge well done to our top three R point earners so far in Year 10; Andreas, Bradley and Harrison. Overall, Year 10 have received 14,600 R points. 10C are currently in the lead with 2,300 points. 

What a great start to the academic year for Year 10. 

Another brilliant achievement is of those students who have not yet received a consequence point in Year 10, well done to Adam, Aimee, Hayden, Lexi, Sakeshi, Taylah and Willow. Keep going, Year 10!

Year 11 

The Year 11 students completed their last full round of mock exams in preparation for the Summer. On the whole, their behaviour was highly commendable - they treated the exams with the necessary gravity and seriousness, setting them in good stead for the future. 

There have been a lot of changes to the year team over the past few weeks. The students have dealt with these changes well, demonstrating good levels of resilience, and made their new tutors welcome.

Year 12 

The R points for the Autumn term for our new year 12 cohort are very promising for a successful year ahead!  Well done to 12C who led with 691 points (and who also had the lowest number of C points!), with 12B on 500 and 12A on 436.  The highest total was Lizy followed by Remus - keep up the excellent work, Year 12. 

Year 13 

Well done to 13B who led with 455 R points, followed by 13A with 301 and  closely chased by 13C with 294. Congratulations to Tirtha who topped the individual points total for the Autumn term. 

Encouraging children and young people to set some achievable goals for the year ahead is a great way to help them to build self-confidence. Attached is a link to a planner you can use at home to have this discussion with your child. Once they have filled out the planner, help them to track their progress by noticing the work they put in and celebrating their successes. Praise them for their effort and remark on their resilience when things don’t go quite to plan. 

2024 Goal Setting Planner 

Tooled Up

If you haven’t signed up to ‘tooled up’ yet I urge you to. We subscribe to a library of resources for parents designed to boost children’s resilience, self-esteem and mental health to help them thrive throughout their educational journey and beyond.


If you already have an account, simply log in here using your email address and password. If you forget your details, use the reset password function to reset your account.


If you ever need assistance, contact the Tooled Up team, who will be happy to help: support@tooledupeducation.com


Once you are logged in, click on the Resources button in the top left corner to discover the vast library of evidence-based support at your fingertips

Cod one pot

Easy biscuits

Current Job Vacancies - with flexible working patterns

Do you know of any one who would like to join the John Colet School.  We have vacancies for a Cover Supervisor, Learning Support Assistants, a teacher of Humanities (full or part-time) and Casual Invigilators.  

Full Job Descriptions are available on the John Colet School website.  These can be found under 'About'  tab on the 'Vacancies' section of the website.

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed recently and you think you are eligible for free school meals please get in touch via pupilpremium@johncolet.co.uk and we can complete a simple check for you.

Lost Property

We have numerous items of lost property including coats, shoes, trainers, water bottles and food tech containers/equipment. If you are missing any items, please ask your child to visit Student Welfare Officer's office.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of term.

Please can I ask that your child's name is put on everything.  Thank you.

This is a quick and easy way to help with fundraising for
John Colet School.