“Through hard work, inspiration, mutual respect and enjoyment, we will achieve success together.” 

Headteacher's Welcome

This newsletter marks the end of my first half-term as Head of John Colet School.   I would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome I have received. From community leaders  to students everyone has given such a great impression of the school and the area.   I have a track record of leading schools closely linked to their community roots so it is very reassuring that this is the case for John Colet as well. A new head inevitably brings a 'fresh pair of eyes' to the table and that does mean managing potential changes, however, for now what I can say is the John Colet has very firm foundations and I believe that we can build on these to make sure that every child flourishes.  I will be consulting with all stakeholders in due course and hope to gauge parental/carer views in the new year. That aside have a restful half-term.

Vehicles on school grounds

Remember that vehicles should not be driven onto campus unless you are authorised to do so by the school office.  Please park and walk ; kindly do not block our neighbours driveways, park directly opposite them or endanger lives by parking on the yellow lines.  Unauthorised drivers are increasing the risk of accident by significantly adding to the volume of traffic, especially whilst the building work is on-going.

 If authorised to do so, parents should drop-off directly in front of reception.  Please do not use the parking bays for drop-off.  The car-park directly in front of school is for staff vehicles only.

Please also be reminded that vehicle engines should be switched off when dropping off, or waiting for  students to come out of school.   Idling  causes air pollution which is harmful to the school community.   

Also, please be aware that the Memorial Hall Car Park and the Wendover Health Centre are not to be used for dropping off and collecting students to and from school.

Mobile Phone Policy - 'no see, no hear'

At John Colet we have a 'no see, no hear' policy for mobile phones while students are on school site.  In a community of over 1000 people it would be disruptive to learning for phones to be used by students. Insisting that a parent or carer collects the phone acts as a deterrent to phones being used. 

During school hours, should you need to contact your child please telephone the School Office and we will get a message to them.  Alternatively if a student needs to contact their parent/carer they should go to the Student Support office where they can request to ring home.

Unfortunately, at times parents try to contact students directly which causes their phone to go off during lessons - this results in the student having their phone confiscated as per our school policy and it will be a parent/carer that will have to pick the mobile phone up from the School Office.   If you are unable to collect the phone please arrange for a family member, or responsible adult to collect it on your behalf.  Students will not be able to pick up their phone themselves under any circumstance.  A number of students have raised the issue of having to use their phone to pay for transport home. If this is the case the student needs to come and speak to the school office. We will arrange for a loan which will need to be reimbursed the next day.  

School Attendance

As Mr Brierly mentioned in his recent parent briefing, there has been a focus on resilience in school, including encouraging students to attend every day even if they are suffering with a minor ailment.  Mrs Gould presented an assembly to each year group last week to reinforce this message, and it was fantastic to see so many of the students engaging with her regarding good attendance and reasons for absence. Many students felt that 90% attendance would be considered ‘Good’, but attendance at this level can be incredibly detrimental to a student’s learning and outcomes. We know that for every 10% of school that a child misses, they are likely to drop a whole grade at GCSE in year 11. It can also  mean they miss key learning, lose out on time with their friends and prevent them from  taking part in extra curricular activities all of which can lead to a lack of engagement and longer term school avoidance.
We expect that students will only be absent if they are too ill to attend, and those with a minor illness such as a cough, cold, headache or tummy ache should come in to school as usual. We can give paracetamol, where we have consent, from 12.15pm to help manage symptoms.  Where a student has an injury, such as a sprained wrist, they are able to come in to school and we ask that you contact their form tutor so we can offer them support.

Please can we remind parents and carers to report absence each day using the form on the front page of the school website. It is important that we know the whereabouts of students, and it saves us a number of phone calls if all absences are kindly reported before 8.30am on every day of absence. 

For unavoidable medical appointments during school time, please also complete the absence notification on the website, and send proof of the appointment to us by email attendance@johncolet.co.uk. Please ask your child to sign out at the medical office at the agreed time, and arrange to meet with you in reception. We will be unable to release your child until you have arrived to collect them.

We know that some students are anxious about coming in to school for a variety of reasons. It is so important to send your child in to school when they are feeling wobbly, and again we ask that you contact their form tutor in the first instance if this is the case. We often see students miss school because they have friendship issues, or are finding a particular lesson difficult, and keeping them at home only causes further worry. We have an amazing pastoral team and are able to offer a wide range of support to tackle any issues.

There is no longer a requirement to isolate if your child has Covid, and if they have mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can continue to attend school. If they have a high temperature, or feel too unwell to come in to school, they should stay at home until they feel better or their temperature has returned to normal. They do not need to have a negative test to be able to return.

Finally, a reminder that students should not miss school for family holidays, trips to see relatives, to go shopping or celebrate a birthday. We have received numerous requests for leave this term already, and we are unable to authorise leave in most circumstances. We do appreciate it is important to spend time doing fun activities and ask that you make arrangements for these at the weekend and during the school holidays. We often see requests for leave that indicate it is necessary due to the availability of other family members, and ask that you prioritise your child's education in these circumstances.

If you do have any concerns about your child's attendance, we are more than happy to discuss these with you and ask that you make contact on the telephone via the main school number, or on email attendance@johncolet.co.uk and we will be happy to help.

With kind regards

Di and Natalie, the Attendance Team

Sports Performers for this Half Term

Congratulations to these chosen students for being this half term Sports Performers. The PE department has seen nothing but hard work, sportsmanship, dedication and determination from you all.  A postcard has been sent home and their names will be on the display board up at the Sports Hall. 

Here are the chosen students:

Year 7

Year 7

Year 11

Year 11

Year 8

Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11

Year 9

Year 9

Year 10

Year 10

Sixth Form: 

Year 12 - Livi Findlay

Appropriate footwear for PE

We have had some questions over the past couple of weeks in regards to footwear for our 3G turfed football pitch. Hopefully this newsletter will clear things up.  We request our students to buy moulded stud football boots to ensure our pitch is kept safe and playable for our students.  Boots can be found at a variety of shops but I find the best places to purchase boots are:

You will find a variety of moulded stud boots with a wide price range, we do recommend you buy a few sizes up for your child, saving you having to buy a new pair of boots every year. Your child can also use these boots for rugby.  You can also buy second hand pairs of boots at a discounted price on Facebook marketplace, Vinted or eBay.  If your child does not have boots for football and rugby they will be sanctioned in line with our kit policy.

I have attached a poster below showing the correct footwear to look for: 

We are also asking that if any families have old boots your child is no longer using, please donate them to the school so we can ensure our whole John Colet community is provided with boots.  We are hoping to set up a boot swap for our students who may have a pre-loved pair of boots to swap. If you have any boots or trainers you no longer need and in good condition would be grateful for these to be donated. Please drop them into reception FOA the PE department.


Luke Rosier

Football Development Officer 

Author Visit from Sophie McKenzie

Our Year 8 students had the pleasure of attending a talk with the thriller author Sophie McKenzie.  The children were very engaged and showed a lot of interest.  Following up with some great questions.  

Open Evening last week

Thank you to all those that attended our Open Evening on 6th October.  It was great to see so many future John Colet students.  We would also like to thank our volunteer pupils and staff for proudly representing our school.  Without them Open Evening would not have been a success! 


Thank you to all those who participated on Friday 22nd September.

Meet the Tutor evening

A fantastic turn out with Year 7 staff and parents to finish our run of Meet the Tutor evenings.  

Our fabulous  Year 13s were off to a great start raising money for their end of year prom at the Year 8 Meet the Tutor evening. 

Knife Crime

A very important Cit-Com assembly held early September for our Year 10 students, learning all about knife crime. 

Tooled Up

If you haven’t signed up to ‘tooled up’ yet I urge you to. We subscribe to a library of resources for parents designed to boost children’s resilience, self-esteem and mental health to help them thrive throughout their educational journey and beyond.


If you already have an account, simply log in here using your email address and password. If you forget your details, use the reset password function to reset your account.


If you ever need assistance, contact the Tooled Up team, who will be happy to help: support@tooledupeducation.com


Once you are logged in, click on the Resources button in the top left corner to discover the vast library of evidence-based support at your fingertips

Courgette and Mozzarella Pizza

Pumpkin spice cupcakes

Current Job Vacancies

Do you know of any one who would like to join the John Colet School.  We have vacancies for Maternity cover in PE and Drama, Cover Supervisor and part-time Science teacher.

Full Job Descriptions are available on the John Colet School website.  These can be found under 'About'  tab on the 'Vacancies' section of the website.

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed recently and you think you are eligible for free school meals please get in touch via pupilpremium@johncolet.co.uk and we can complete a simple check for you.

Lost Property

We have numerous items of lost property including coats, shoes, trainers, water bottles and food tech containers/equipment. If you are missing any items, please ask your child to visit Student Welfare Officer's office.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of term.

Please can I ask that your child's name is put on everything.  Thank you.

This is a quick and easy way to help with fundraising for
John Colet School.