The IDEAS Journal

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Issue 15: Artificial Intelligence

Issue 14: Body Image

Issue 13: Sexuality

Issue 12: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Issue 11: Atypical is the New Typical

Issue 10: Labels at JFKS and Beyond

Issue 9: Socioeconomic Class at JFKS

Issue 8: National Identity 

Issue 7: Now We Rise BLM Art Journal

Issue 6: Religion

Issue 5: Mental Health

Issue 4: LGBTQ+ at JFKS and Beyond

Issue 3: Race at JFKS and Beyond

Issue 2: Gender

Issue 1: Introducing IDEAS

Past Events

African-American History Library

IDEAS opened an African American History Library donated by Hans Joachim Lück

LGBTQ+ Lesson Plan

A group of IDEAS members takes over an ethics class to discuss LGBTQ+ issues

IDEAS Spotify Playlist

IDEAS members created a playlist to celebrate diversity, empower, and reflect