Ch. 7-9 Lesson Overview and Objectives

In today's reading, Jonas learns that he will become "Receiver of Memory," the most important job in the community and one that involves feeling pain. After reading these three chapters, students have a few reading questions to answer in Google Docs.

Lesson Plan

  1. Post instructions and links in Google Classroom.
  2. Warm-up: Ask students to share with partners which role in the community they would be best suited for and their reasons for choosing this job. (From the previous day's reading questions) Ask a few students to share their answers with the class. (5-10 minutes)
  3. After quickly summarizing the previous day's reading, begin playing the audio for Ch. 7-9, found here (total of 34 minutes) * I recommend taking a break for a few minutes between chapters to ask students to come up with questions and inferences about what has just been read. (35-45 minutes)
  4. Have students login to Google Classroom to access reading questions for chapters 7-9. (20-30 minutes)

Optional: Have students practice vocabulary from these chapters with this Quizlet Study Set

Instructions to post in Google Classroom:

After reading chapters 7-9, answer the reading questions in the attached Google Doc.

Links to post in Google Classroom

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