Middletown Elementary Mental Health Resource Page

My name is Tyler Swim and I am the Mental Health Practitioner at Middletown Elementary. This is a Mental Health Resource page I have created which all Middletown families can access. On this page you will find various videos and activities that students and families can watch and engage in together. I initially created this page in 2020 when we began NTI in order to provide students and their families with any help and support that is needed. My goal is to be constantly updating this page. If you are interested in me having regular meetings with your student or have any questions about the mental health resources available to Chancey students and families, please reach out to me. My contact information can be found below. I am available weekdays from 8:30AM-4:30PM.

Email: tyler.swim@jefferson.kyschools.us

Google Voice number: 502-264-6216

Referral/Request Form

If you would like to make a request for your student to be seen by someone on the mental health team, please complete the form at this link: 2023-2024 Middletown Counseling Support Request - Google Forms 

JCPS Hybrid Schedule is set to resume on March 17. If you feel like your child might benefit from some counseling support services/check-ins, please click this link and complete the form: Counseling Check-In Form 

In order for your child to start receiving mental health/counseling services from me, you must also sign a consent form and send it back to me via email or text. Here is that link: Telehealth Informed Consent for Counseling 

How might I know if my child needs counseling or therapy services?

Listed below are some suggested indicators for when a student might need counseling services:

Still have questions? Here is a link to a video that explains a bit more about how to know when your child might need counseling/therapy.

Is COVID-19 causing your child increased anxiety and could they benefit from talking to someone? Here is a video that addresses that.

Other Resources and Video Links

JCPS Reopening Plan: https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/sites/default/files/A%20New%20Way%20Forward.pdf


What will in-person learning look like at my school? Review individual school safety protocols: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS8AuzlhzN74x-lFSUJ6JxTM6ksEgU-6asA8i1uLUCCGvZwXk4jSt7NTUdKQRkeHiMI95ZXcr0GVMQB/pubhtml


Selection form for families to let us know if they want to go to school in-person or remain virtual: https://apps.jefferson.kyschools.us/ReturnToSchool


Dashboard to see how many families have selected virtual or in-person learning at my school: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiM2M5YjhlYjAtMTBiYi00OTYxLWFkYTYtYWQ3YjM2MWRhNjlhIiwidCI6IjI3N2Q1NjRjLTMwYTktNGJjZS1hMThkLWFmYzhlNTQ1NDBlNSIsImMiOjN9


KDE’s Healthy at School guidance document that outlines safety protocols for in-person learning: https://education.ky.gov/comm/Documents/Safety%20Expectations_FINAL%20DOC.pdf?fbclid=IwAR115eiM3apsaEqGa-YuUA1bhsZdl-mKCcF3OKVigqcYB-RJikYwCYy0p1E

YouTube Channel/Playlist. This year I have also created a YouTube channel and playlists which students and families can subscribe too. I plan on posting videos relating to Social-Emotional Learning, Coping Skills, and Student Supports. I will be adding videos to the playlists throughout the year. Here is that link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFCLEDiC8BHfmfLc8EyfriQ/playlists


Watch. Cosmic Kids Zen Den videos are a great resource to help with mindfulness and relaxation. Here is a video for starters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7FUbTac_ds

Draw a picture of a tree. Think of yourself as a tree. What do you look like? How tall are you? How thick are your trunk, limbs, and branches? How many leaves do they have? What color are the leaves? Where is your tree located? What kind of animals are living inside? Be creative. 

Read. I am Peace by Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXA3837uv3w

Read. Bee Calm: The Buzz on Yoga by Frank Silio  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOYA8Sg4JBk


Watch. This is a great video for teaching younger students to stop and think about how they're feeling and finding an appropriate coping skill to help them calm down:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuCVTTT2BAQ

Create. Make an Anger Stop Sign. This activity is designed to help teach children about anger warning signs while using  writing and coloring. Warning signs are clues that your body uses to let you know your starting to get angry. What does your body do when you first start to feel angry or frustrated? Do your hands ball up into fists?  Does your face turn red? Do you start to feel hot? Do you breathe harder?  When students learn to identify their own anger warning signs, they can intervene before their anger grows out of control. To engage in this activity: 1) Draw a stop sign, 2) Think about how you first start to feel anger in your body before your anger gets out of control, 3) Write your thoughts inside the stop sign,  4)  Around the outside of the stop sign, write down coping skills that help you calm down. What works best for you? Deep breaths? Going for a walk? Imagining yourself at a happy place? Counting to 10? Saying the ABCs backwards? 5) When you're finished, hang the stop sign up somewhere you can see regularly to help remind yourself to STOP and practice a coping skill before you lose control.  


Watch. Here is a video about managing impulsivity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAM3nFqCn7Q 


Watch. What is Anxiety? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfSbWc3O_5M

Watch. Cosmic Kids video about beating your nerves!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJNOsvTnR1k

Watch. Video for younger students about worry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zpH3f1TMzM

Read. Listen and watch, Ruby Finds a Worry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCyiiHI2SJU



Community/Family Resources:

Seven Counties Services, Inc. (Formerly known as Centerstone): https://sevencounties.org/                                         

-> Seven Counties/Centerstone is still accepting intake appointments. To schedule an intake, call their Access number at 502-589-1100.

Peace Hospital: https://www.uoflhealthnetwork.org/our-lady-of-peace-children-adolescent-care-signs-symptoms

The Brook: https://thebrookhospitals.com/programs-services/

Louieconnect is a wonderful site that pulls together community resources to provide support to those in need or having a difficult time. The website is easy to use and provides information on things like where to get pantry items, places to stay, financial/legal help, and more: https://www.louieconnect.com/