
Additional Professional Development Opportunities

Virtual-Live Training


September 24th, October 9th, November 19th, January 22nd, February 11th, March 26th, April 29th

Participants must register using the link in the above flyer in order to receive the link to join the session. Attendance is marked on Vector following each session based on the presenter's sign-in list.  

Asynchronous Training


Link to Access

1.5 Hours of PD

Diving into the FBA/BIP to Practice

Link to Access

3 Hours of PD or EILA

GLEC: Conducting Behavior Observations 101

Link to Access

1.5 Hours of PD or EILA

GLEC: Connecting Frameworks: Why FBA & BIP Matter

Link to Access

1 Hour of PD or EILA

GLEC: Mobile Assessment

Link to Access

1 Hour of PD or EILA

Direct Step: Developing and Implementing Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavioral Intervention Plans

Link to Access

1 Hour of PD

Upload your certificate to your feedback on Vector

Iris: Functional Behavior Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan

Link to Access

2.5  Hours of PD

Upload your certificate to your feedback on Vector

Jacqueline Horsman

ECE Supervisor of Professional Development