ILP Resources

Parents & Guardians

ILPs offer an excellent opportunity to engage parents/guardians in their child’s career and post-secondary planning. Parents/guardians are an integral part of this planning process so think of ways to include them so they can continue the conversation about careers and post-secondary options and assist students as they plan for their future. Here is a document I created that may be helpful in explaining the ILP to parents. Feel free to revise and make it your own.

Website for Students & Families

Check out the College & Career Planning for Students & Families Website. Any of these links can be added as tools to your ILP document. If you have any suggestions of things to add to the website, please e-mail Brooke Stone.

ILP Playbooks

ILP Playbooks offer educators recommendations for chronological themes and lessons for career exploration and social and emotional development to teach at each grade level.