
Graphic design by Charlotte Meeley (Original photo courtesy of Zaubee)

Heine Brothers closes Douglass Loop location amid employee claims of union-busting

By: Charlotte Meeley

Heine Brothers, a prevalent local coffee chain in the Kentuckiana area, recently closed their Douglass Loop location amid talk of a baristas’ union.The Douglass Loop store, one of the only Heine Brothers locations without a drive-through, opened in 2001, making it one of the oldest Heine Brothers locations. However, according to employees of the Douglass Loop location, several management employees convened a sudden meeting at the shop in June, informing the staff of an immediate closure. Baristas were instructed to begin their closing tasks at 2 pm– 5 hours before the store’s closing time — and customers were ushered out.Employees had no prior knowledge of the closure, but several baristas took to social media and news sources following the shutdown to conjecture the logic behind it. Many employees blame Heine Brothers’ recent efforts to smother a growing union for the shutdown. “Our store was the first store to show up completely to the meetings,” said barista Gami Ray in a statement to WDRB on July 1, “...and we’ve been the most vocal about it online. And even before the union, we’ve been very vocal on the store about the issues we deal with.”In late April, Heine Brothers baristas announced their intention to unionize, with help from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). “[We are] burnt out from the exploitation of our work… We deserve properly staffed stores, proper pay and benefits for the work that we are doing and a say in the way that our stores are run,” said Ray’s fellow barista, Aaron Bone, at the union press conference in April. Since then, the union has had a contentious relationship with Heine Brothers’ corporate office. In an interview with Spectrum News 1, barista and union organizer Sabrina Lindsey claimed that the process of unionization has been hindered by what she called “fear mongering” by the company; in regular anti-union messaging, Lindsey stated that management “...is telling workers that signing the NLRB petition is legally binding to have the union represent you, which is not true… the company has also used a classic anti-unionization talking point, arguing that a union would serve as an unhelpful third party between workers and management, harming that relationship” (via Spectrum).Employees of the Douglass Loop store were given two choices by Heine Brothers management following the closure. Corporate offered the employees a transfer to another Heine Brothers location, with stipend pay to aid in the transition; to those who were unwilling to stay with the company post-closure, they offered severance pay. “We’ve had a great run at the Douglass Loop and are now turning our attention to operating drive-thru coffee shops. Even before the pandemic, drive-thrus were becoming a store feature that our customers demanded more and more. Now, they are something we must have to stay competitive… ,” said Mike Mays, co-founder and president of Heine Brothers, going on to say, “We respect our employees’ legal rights, including their right to support or oppose union organizing… We intend to defend the Company’s legal rights. Heine Brothers is a homegrown company founded on the principles of fairness and doing the right thing. We listen and respond to all of our employees, many of whom have been with us for years. None of that has changed.”Following the closure, Heine Brothers’ corporate office sent an email to employees, explaining that the company decided last October that Douglass Loop was no longer viable, and began negotiations with TEN20, a local brewery that is now set to occupy the storefront. In response to Mays’ statement, ex-Douglass Loop employee Ben Bridgman said in an interview with the Courier Journal-  “[Mike Mays] cares more about profits and breaking up one of the stronger proponents of the union stores than he does about the actual customers he’s supposed to be serving.”Most baristas, like Bridgman, chose to relocate and are now working at Heine Brothers’ 17 other locations across Kentuckiana. A union vote was announced in early September and a union was successfully voted into effect on September 8.
A 'Magic School Bus' cubby in Cubs Corner. (Photo courtesy of Bug Bowles)

Bus driver shortage is getting better, but slowly

By: Kenzie Reasor

Today, with the start of the 2022-2023 school year just a couple months ago, there has been an ongoing problem with the bus driver situation. The bus driver shortage is a national problem, but Kentucky is among the states suffering the most from this situation. Jefferson County, Bullitt County, New Albany Floyd County and Oldham County Public Schools are all getting hit hard. Even though the Brown School is a part of JCPS,  it is not affected by this problem. Our students are still concerned about this matter because it can affect their families. A few students from Brown High School had some thoughts on this situation. Remy Le’Boeuf, a sophomore, says,  “They need to pay the bus drivers more then there will be more people to apply”. Shelby Geraghty, a sophomore at Brown, agreed,  stating, “I think it is very sad and that they should get paid more and that if they did pay more they would get more applications.”Many schools and districts are increasing the salary or giving out bonuses to get more people engaged to work. The  New Albany Floyd County Schools corporation transportation director, Eric Reid, says the school corporation offers $1,200 for signing bonuses or to pay for training and an attendance bonus paid every semester. Because of this, many districts have found it challenging to increase the revenue to increase salaries. Schools are also short staffed on mechanics to ensure the buses are working correctly and safe for the students to ride on. Two students that ride buses witnessed this firsthand. Taylor Wall, a sophomore at Butler Traditional High School, said, “It sometimes takes longer in the morning now, and sometimes we have to add another bus onto ours because there aren't enough bus drivers.” Kennedy Shiley, a sophomore at Male High School, stated,  “My bus is supposed to stop at 6:37 and it usually doesn’t get to my stop at 6:50-7:00.”Some bus routes have to be combined due to the shortage; most schools also don’t have enough drivers, let alone substitute bus drivers. BCPS said that they would need 20-25 drivers and substitute drivers to fully-staff the bus routes and cover the absences. For JCPS, their delayed bus routes dropped from 50-40 since the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. On September 1st 2022, there were more than a dozen JCPS bus routes that were delayed. A JCPS spokesperson said that they usually have “unexpected” delays every morning when bus drivers are unable to make it. On Monday, 29 buses were delayed- which is close to the estimate they had of 42 delays planned this week. Just the other day some students from Butler Traditional High School didn’t have buses to take them home. The school had to call parents to pick up their kid(s). This situation started because of many different reasons. When school was online because of COVID,there was no need for bus drivers,many lost their jobs. Now, since the start of the school year in 2021, there has been an issue. The pay is very limited even with the bonus or raise, and the hours of work are long and the conditions are sometimes not very comfortable. Now, there are still buses that are being delayed, and there is still a shortage of bus drivers. Public Schools are getting this situation under control and even though it is still a problem it is slowly getting better. 
Cinderella's castle at Disney World. (Photo courtesy of Victoria Grazette)

The increase in weapons at Disney World

By: Victoria Grazette

Disney strictly prohibits any kind of weapon on their property, but since the pandemic there has been an increase of guns being brought to the parks. More than 30 people have been arrested for carrying guns at Walt Disney World since 2020. That doesn’t include people with concealed-carry permits who have brought firearms to Disney properties without being arrested. The increase seems to be the result of the increase of weapons being bought in the US since the pandemic. 

In records obtained by the Orlando Sentinel, 20 people were arrested for bringing guns onto Disney property in 2020. This may not seem like a lot since there are on average over 58 million people who visit Walt Disney World every year, but it is a big jump from around the 4 people arrested in 2016. At least 14 people were arrested for concealing guns at Walt Disney World between January and April of 2021 with 75% of those happening at Disney Springs, Disney’s shopping and food center.

A lot of the confusion seems to come from the difference in state laws. In Florida, there is no need for a state permit to possess or purchase a firearm. A permit is required for concealed carry and open carry is generally banned except for in certain protected places like your house or place of work. The 3rd rule on Walt Disney’s property rules page says, “Firearms, ammunition, knives, and weapons of any kind are prohibited,”  and it is the first thing on the prohibited items list. In the state of Florida, the Governor has talked about a “constitutional carry” law that will let people have legal firearms almost anywhere whether it is covered or not. But, Disney World is private property and the company is in charge of what can and can’t be brought on the property.

In most news stories, people say that they forgot they were carrying the gun. The increasing number of gun-related arrests have been increasing probably because of the rise in gun sales in the US which was a result of the pandemic and the political unrest that has been going on since 2020. Disney has also been increasing its security therefore finding more guns. 

A key incident happened earlier this year when a woman was caught bringing a gun on the property. According to the Orange County Sheriff’s incident report, on May 28, a 44-year-old woman from Miami was at Disney World when she got into a fight with her husband who had brought his 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun. She was headed to Hollywood Studios when she set off Disney’s detectors. When security checked her bag, the gun was found with 12 rounds loaded in it. When she was questioned she told the authorities that she didn’t know she had the gun with her and she felt “embarrassed about the situation.” In an interview with Walt Disney World News Today she said, “I wish I could talk about it, it’s been stressful.” She talked about the incident with her husband on the first day of her trip. She hasn’t been charged with a crime, but she has been banned from all Disney properties. 

Issues with gun rules can also be a problem here in Kentucky. Kentucky has a law that if you are over the age of 21, you can legally carry a concealed weapon and those under the age of 21 may be able to have a weapon but are not legally allowed to carry it. In Kentucky Kingdom, weapons such as knives or guns are not allowed in the park. There are not any articles on people bringing weapons into the park.

Gun safety is very important in places that are supposed to be an amazing place for kids to have fun and enjoy the magic of the most magical place on earth. Gun safety is a rising topic in schools and just in general every day life as the mass shooting rate is almost record-breaking. So, when you travel to any theme park or anywhere, make sure you read their rules and regulations.

Photo from 'The Worst Tornadoes of All Time' by Terri Dougherty. (Photo courtesy of Bug Bowles)

East v. West: An ensuing tornado

By: Christian Harrison

As you start thumbing through the most recent events in the news, you of course glance past all the everyday quarrels in the world. Yet, one issue uniquely sticks out like a sore thumb. The impending conflict between China and Taiwan.Since around late 2020, China has had talks about reclaiming former territory. As seen with the Hong Kong issue, their motives behind territorial dominance steer clear of anything passive. Since 2020, the debacle has turned into legitimate threats. Chinese officials have not only threatened Taiwan, but have increased naval support in the water body separating the two countries. The threats have since then been taken seriously by the US. Politicians have spoken out with displeasure against China, expressing collective disdain for what they see as inhumane actions. Even Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, arrived to speak in Taiwan, even with threats of fire from China.As of today, what the future holds for the potential conflict stays unclear. Xi Jinping , president of China, has continued to express his want to invade Taiwan, but no actual confirmation or action has been taken.
Comic by junior Libby Mook commenting on weather in Kentucky 

Climate in Louisville

By: Hayden Pollock

Hello, fellow Louisville citizens. Have you noticed the increased summer heat? Well, right now there is a climate change issue here in Louisville. What is happening here is also happening in many other cities. It is called the heat island effect. Louisville, Kentucky once just a port town- now is a large bustling city, heavily influenced by car transportation, which has led to a heat island effect. The heat island effect is where a city becomes much hotter than surrounding areas. This is caused by a number of things. One main cause is cutting down trees for the expansion of buildings, streets etc. This effect traps the heat of human activities around Louisville, which makes it hotter, harder to breathe, and overall lowers the air quality. This is a leading cause as to why Louisville has some of the worst allergies and asthma symptoms in the United States. Louisville relies upon the Ohio river for water and transportation. We have some of the best water treatment in the United States, but being on the most polluted river in the U.S., Louisville has a problem with waste water. Annually, around 439 million gallons of raw sewage overflows and goes directly into the Ohio river. For comparison, this is around 665 Olympic swimming pools. With raw sewage in the river, it causes less oxygen as micro-organisms break it down, so ecosystems are destroyed and populations have rapid decline. Humans also must stay away from contaminated water, as it can be life threatening for how deadly it is. It can cause typhoid, dysentery etc. These reasons are why we should pay attention to how we affect the environment individually, so that as a whole, our pollution will decrease. Change is slow, and it's hard to get everyone to manage themselves in such matters. Every little bit can make a big change. We will see how these changes affect Louisville in 20-50 years- but until then, each of you do your part.
Pendulum ride at the Kentucky State Fair. (Photo courtesy of Avery Summers)

Scare at the Fairgrounds leaves people questioning their children's safety

By: Ruby Guelda

On Saturday, August 20th around 9:00pm, sounds of a possible shooting incident at the Kentucky State Fair Saturday led crowds of running people to believe there was danger of an active shooter on the premises. The incident led to many pending arrests that night, and the discovery that there had in-fact not been an active shooter, and not a weapon, but a loud noise. Three adults were arrested and charged for the incident: Donte Churchill, Areon Nobles and Derrick Miles, and no one was hurt. The event has had an impact on individuals who love going to the fair because of its content and it has left  a few people questioning about what it means to be safe in public areas that are meant for their families.  First, after talking to former Brown school student, (now Ballard high school student) Avery Summers, she explained it was unfortunate to hear, though  she was not shocked by the incident. She explained, “... It was very scary at that moment. It’s sad that it’s such a common thing, and that it wasn’t surprising.” Summers expressed her remorse for the fact that such an incident had to take place at the fair in the first place, and how it is a place where family and friends go to have a fun time, she believed no one should experience something like that.  Directly after the incident took place and the fair had an early closing around 10pm, new policies have been implemented to improve security and/or safety precautions. According to the Kentucky State Fair website, the new policies include: “Fairgoers under 18 years old entering after 6 p.m. must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian 21 years of age or older. Proof of age is required. IDs will be verified at the gate.” The fairgrounds are now requiring adults to provide ID to verify who they are, and it is mandatory, the rules explicitly state, anyone who violates this rule will be charged with criminal trespassing II offense which they can then be prosecuted for. Other new rules include one adult at least twenty-one years of age can only chaperone a group of six minors at a time, and a minor must be accompanied by a verified adult after 6pm. Summer’s reaction to these newly implemented policies include her still feeling nervous and uncomfortable, though the fairgrounds did try to employ more police and security. She also noted, she did not see anyone IDing adults, nor were any security supervising whether minors were being accompanied by an adult. She explained, “I understand it can be hard to manage and supervise, but there was no protool as far as I could tell.” For Summers, after this event, it has had an impact on how she feels about public events, she explained that she now feels that some sounds can be triggering to her in public events. She clarified, it's not a large trauma, but it has made her a lot more cautious and self-aware in public areas. Talking to another individual who has experienced the fair this year, has a slightly different point of view, Irina Macaranas. She remarked, “In my opinion it’s worrying, I had already been to the fair that morning. Honestly I still feel plenty safe at large events and fairs, as I’m mostly interested in looking at the art and eating the food, I usually go earlier in the day.”Macaranas explained that as far as the new policies are concerned, she considered them slightly “arbitrary” - though she agrees if it makes people feel safer then so be it, but she also believes that “it will only complicate the matter.” However, Macaranas is not completely not in favor of all the new safety precautions, she completely agrees that attempting to enter the gates with a false ID or without ID at all should lead to a charge of criminal trespassing and have them subject to prosecution. She also believes adding more security could be a step in the right direction, though on the other hand, she does express her thoughts that it could create a logistical nightmare in an environment that is supposed to be fun. As far as security is concerned, Macaranas explained that, “I feel safe around armed police, though I am a bit uncomfortable around firearms.” In total, there are different ideas as to how the fair will continue and improve upon its safety - as for future public events.  At the same time, the continuation of gun violence everywhere is still a major problem for society. 
Pumpkins and Pumpkin the Frog in Amy Noon's classroom. (Photo courtesy of Bug Bowles)

Pumpkins at Kentucky Kingdom

By: Keaira Carr

Every October 1st through the 30th, Kentucky Kingdom holds “Pumpkins at Kentucky Kingdom.” To celebrate the spooky season,thousands of glowing carved pumpkins are showcased across Kentucky Kingdom. Various spooky activities such as trick-or-treating, photo opportunities for the fall, as well as seasonal bites and  refreshments. 

For this event you have to pay using either day passes or 2023 seasonal passes. Season passes include free parking, free refreshments, and the option to bring a friend for free. You may also attend Pumpkins At Kentucky Kingdom for free next year. 

Many individuals are excited for the new season. Olivia Graham, for example, can’t wait to go with her family. “They have so many cool pumpkins, and a lot of good snacks too.” Excited and eager, she continued “I have a season pass, so I don’t gotta pay for nothing!” 

Screenshot of a message on Kiwi Farms by user "Switched Around" (edited by McAdams McAdams to remove deadnaming and misgendering)

It's time to start talking about Kiwi Farms

By: McAdams McAdams

Openly trans streamer and trans activist Clara Sorrenti, or Keffals went into hiding after being doxxed and swatted on August 5th by several individuals getting information from Kiwi Farms.Sorrenti is an openly trans streamer based in Canada, who often streams video games as well as political commentary. On August 5th 2022 a police swat team entered her home and woke her up with a gun in her face. She was taken into custody and held for ten hours for a series of fake emails threatening government officials attributed to her. During her custody she was repeatedly misgendered and allegedly physically abused. On August 10th 2022 it was reported by CBC news that the Ontario police are looking to  "review how officers treated [her]." A few days later Sorrenti announced: "I'm not backing down. I know that the work I do is incredibly valuable, and thousands of trans people told me that I have helped people almost every day saying they came out to their families because of me" After she made this statement the online harassment increased exponentially. Sorrenetti, now staying in a hotel, had her address revealed. So how did people find this information about her? Well it's all due to a website called Kiwi Farms, which describes itself as: “A community dedicated to discussing eccentric people who voluntarily make fools of themselves. Explore abnormal psychology and the minds of Internet crazies,” however it has been described by Sorrenti as “An online community of stalkers that torments and harasses their targets so intensely, it led London, Ontario resident Julie Terryberry to taking her life on june [sic] 29th, 2016.” The community that later formed Kiwi Farms originated in 2009 as a way to track the life of an individual trans person, Christine Weston Chandler, or “Chris-Chan”. Over time it expanded to tracking and harassing other trans and marginalized individuals, including Chloe Segal, who later took her own life as a result of this harassment campaign, before finally being hosted by Joshua Moon, or “null,” in 2013. Soon after, in 2014, the name “Kiwi Farms'' was coined.Between 2016 and 2019 two well known trans women committed suicide as a direct result of Kiwi Farms users harassing them, however many more suicides are suspected to result from this per year. In 2019 the attacker in the New Zealand Christchurch shooting allegedly posted to Kiwi Farms before committing the mass shooting, however Kiwi Farms refused to allow the New Zealand police to see data relating to this incident, which led to the website being blocked in New Zealand.  In 2021 another suicide resulted from Kiwi Farms’ abuse, even though the victim’s friend released a photo of their passport and major news outlets confirmed their death, many Kiwi Farms users believe that it was a conspiracy and the victim is still alive.Following the swatting of Sorrenti, she began a campaign to get Cloudflare to drop Kiwi Farms. This campaign has been successful in gaining media attention and mass support. The website was down as a result of this campaign and their website said that they had “joined the 41%,” a reference to the oft cited figure that 41% of trans individuals attempt suicide. Later the website was dropped by their host, and was unable to find another organization to host them. A few days later an unknown hacker deleted the site and all of the information stored on it.In a recent video posted to her YouTube channel Sorrenti said “I will never back down. I will never stop fighting. I will never go away. Like I said before in an interview with Global News in the aftermath getting swatted: if people want me to stop, the next time, they better manipulate the police into pulling the trigger."

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