West Jefferson MS TSA

Learning to Lead in a Technical World.

TSA STATE CONFERENCE February 22-24, 2024


For more than three decades, Colorado TSA has been fulfilling our mission of preparing its members to foster personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in engineering and technology. Every day, our members apply and integrate these skills and concepts through curricular activities, competitions, and related programs.

"What an incredible performance by the West Jefferson Middle School TSA team last week! 


All of the TSA students worked so hard during the school year on their projects and prepped intensely for their 2024 TSA competition.  So many of them achieved first, second, and third place wins in their categories. And of the 30 categories to compete in (I might have missed a few), the WJMS teams brought home (9) First Place trophies!!!  Wow!  And these categories had teeth – they included Medical Technology, Construction Challenge, Electrical Application, STEM Application, Mass Production, Problem Solving, System Control, and 3 more!  Yes, I was so overwhelmed with pride.


What a valuable experience for these students!  It is impressive that WJMS students have the opportunity to gain experience in the many fields of technology at such a young age.  As a parent who works in information technology, my opinion is that the TSA program, computer science and pre-engineering programs are some of the most important areas of education for our students.  The entire curriculum offered by WJMS is important, but the many fields of technology are only increasing in this day and age, and it’s where we’re seeing a lot of job growth, as we all know.  It’s also important to keep our competitive edge at a national level.


The TSA’s emphasis on student leadership is also fantastic."-Parent