Kindergarten Website
Welcome to the West Jefferson Kindergarten website. Here you will find our newsletter, important links and documents, our weekly schedule, and brief biographies of the kindergarten team. You can contact us by email:
Kindergarten Schedule
7:30-7:40 Breakfast
7:40-7:45 Arrival
7:45-8:05 Crew
8:05-9:15 EL Skills Block
9:15-10:15 EL Module
10:15-10:35 Recess
10:35-11:00 Lunch
11:05-11:50 Art/Music/P.E.
11:50–1:05 Math
1:05–1:40 Snack Recess
1:40–1:50 Science/Social Studies
1:50–2:25 Labs
(Every Other Tuesday — Library)
2:30–2:35 Closure and Pack up
2:35 Dismissal
Upcoming Events
2/28 Report Cards sent home
3/10 Spring Pictures/Class Picture Day
3/17-3/24 Spring Break
3/27 WJES Night of the Arts for K-5 students from 5:30-7:00pm
4/7-4/24 CMAS Testing for Grades 3-5
*please avoid scheduling appts/vacations on these days for grades 3-5
4/25 No School — Teacher Workday
5/2 Modified Contact Day for Assessments
*Students come to school by appointment only
5/23 Last day of school for students