Mrs. Venema

AP World History

World History Overview

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Zoom link for your class is on Google Classroom


Online learning platform and turn in: Google Classroom. All assignments and announcements are in Google Classroom, and all assignments are to be uploaded to that platform unless otherwise noted. We will be using periodically as well. Some assessments will be on schoology.

How is this class run?: If attending in person, you are to be in your seat when the bell rings. If logging in online, you are to be logged in to the class by the time class begins. You will have daily warm-ups to get your started, which will be on the board when you come in/log in.

Expectations: Academic and behavioral expectations are outlined in the syllabus linked below. A portion of your grade is tied to engagement and participation in the class. You are to be logged in via google meet on synchronous days, and your video is to be turned on and you are to be participating just as if you were in the classroom.

Office hours: 12:15-1:45 Mon-Thurs - email me to set up a time to meet

Policies: All class policies are in the syllabus linked below, including my late policy, behavioral expectations, grade book structure, and log-in codes for Google and AP Classroom.

Click here for the AP syllabus

Click here for the World History Overview syllabus

All students have to be signed up into their respective classes in google classroom and notifications MUST be turned on.

Join the AP Classroom that corresponds with your period:

AP Classroom Codes for AP students only - all UPPERCASE letters

1st: 2NN9NJ 3rd: PQ7KJG 5th: EDZ6EJ 6th: GJ9R4G

Materials I expect you to have with you every day:

Laptop/device, headphones, textbook (AP students), notebook/binder, writing utensil

Video Conferencing Policies

About me

Hello and welcome to my website! I'm happy to have you in my class this year, and to take you on an exciting journey through time and across the world. We contend with the present by learning from our past, so let's take a look!

I am originally from the South. I was born in New Orleans and lived in Louisiana for a bit before moving to Florida and enjoying that state for about 18 years. My husband and I moved out to Colorado a few years ago, and are happy we made the move to this beautiful region of our country!

My favorite hobbies are spending time with my husband and fur-babies, hiking, reading, cooking, and of course binge watching movies/tv shows when I can. My whole family lives back in Florida, this includes my two younger siblings and their spouses, my three adorable nieces, and my parents who are lucky enough to live at the beach!

AP World History Calendar

World History Calendar