big ideas math

-->choose the correct level book: Math 7/8- choose the blue book

Algebra- choose the purple book

-->navigate by chapter, then by section within the chapter

-->chapters match the RPJ (Record and Practice Journal)

Copies of the textbook are also available to be checked out in the school library, however there are some advantages to the online textbook:

  • the online book has a read aloud option for directions, vocab, key examples

  • all sections have the related vocabulary is there as a link along with more basic (background) knowledge example links

  • some sections have "interactive" concepts to build ideas

  • at the chapter level kids also have "quiz" sections that contain an online "progress check" link to self-assess

In conjunction with the textbook is a Record Practice Journal (RPJ).

Students receive a section of the RPJ for each concept, this acts as a place for students to record some notes and have some practice exercises. RPJs are sometimes used in class and sometimes for homework, so they should be brought back and forth from home to school each day within their math section of their binder.

Did you lose your RPJ?

----------I am working on uploading this to a google classroom for student use.

Students can take a picture of the assigned page when at school.