5th Grade

Band and Orchestra

  • Tuesday's 9:10-9:50

  • Thursday's 8:00-8:40

Library-Students will go to our school library on Wednesday's at 10:20.

Specials will rotate weekly

Daily Schedule

7:25-7:35 Soft Start

7:35-7:45 Breakfast

7:45-8:00 Morning Meeting

8:00-8:35 Science/Social Studies

8:35-9:05 WIN (What I Need)

9:05-9:55 Math

9:55-10:05 Recess

10:05-10:20 Vocabulary

10:20-11:40 Reading

11:40-12:25 AMP (Art, Music or PE)

12:25-1:05 Lunch and Recess

1:05-1:25 Morphology

1:25-2:15 Writing

2:15-2:20 Closure

2:20 Dismissal