Mrs. Bishop

Mrs. Bishop

6th Grade English/Language Arts, Theatre Arts and 7/8 Yearbook


Voicemail: 303-982-4174

To access Classroom, go to . The username is your student ID number at (e.g. and the password is your Jeffco password.

After-school help is available by appointment only from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. Students may bring a snack and a drink. Transportation must be arranged by the student's family.

What should I bring to class?

For English/Language Arts, every student is required to bring to class every day:

  • Black binder

  • Charged Chromebook

  • Pencil bag

  • Independent reading book

  • Planner

  • Homework folder

For Theatre Arts, every student is required to bring to class every day:

  • Chromebook

  • Planner

  • Homework folder

  • Pencil

  • Independent reading book


All work is expected to be turned in during the class period that it is due. All teachers accept late work within the following parameters: 6th grade – within 8 school days of Turned In checkmark or entered grade in the Infinite Campus gradebook. 7th grade – within 7 school days of Turned In checkmark or entered grade in the Infinite Campus gradebook. 8th grade - within 6 school days of Turned In checkmark or entered grade in the Infinite Campus gradebook. A student with an excused absence has an additional two days for every day they are absent to turn in late work. Students who may need additional time to complete work should talk to their teacher and negotiate an extended deadline. Acceptance of late work after these set parameters is at teacher discretion.


Students have the option of redoing a test/project/assignment if they have not demonstrated mastery. However there are parameters that must be followed in order to redo the test/project/assignment.

  1. Work Habits grades may not be redone. Since Content Progress grades reflect ongoing learning, some assignments may be redone and others may not per teacher discretion. Expectations for these assignments will be clearly outlined by the teacher and noted online (website or gradebook). Assessment grades may be redone.

  2. Students have 2 weeks to redo an assignment (if it is eligible to be redone) or assessment. The two week time period begins the day that the score is entered in the gradebook for the class. Teachers will enter the redo deadline date in the gradebook under comments. (e.g. – if a student turns in an assignment 1 week after the grade is entered for the class, they will only have 1 week remaining to redo the assignment.)

  3. If students earn a project or assessment grade of less than 90%, they can redo the project or assessment for a higher grade. Students will need to talk to the teacher regarding their process for the redo (see next item).

  4. Each teacher will have specific requirements for the redo process. That process will be clearly communicated in the class syllabus and the teacher website. The process may include any of the following: a Redo Form, test corrections, all homework/assignments relevant to the assessment must be turned in, re-teaching session.

  5. There will be no redos or retakes during the last week of the trimester. No late work will be accepted during the last week of the trimester.

  6. Test/project/assignments may not be redone once the trimester has ended.