Welcome to Mr. Wasmuth's Class

Teacher Information:

Jon Wasmuth

Special Education Teacher, Learning Specialist

email: jon.wasmuth@jeffco.k12.co.us

voice mail: (303) 982-4860

Hi !!!! My name is Jon Wasmuth and I am very excited to be a Learning Specialist in math here at Ken Caryl Middle School.

I will be working as a co-teacher in two 7th grade math classes with Ms. Malling and Mr. Lee, and I will co-teach with Ms. Bergman in her 8th grade math. In addition to my co-teaching classes, I have one Math Seminar class that will allow me to work with students in a smaller group setting, with more one to one attention.

GO SPARTANS !!!!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to a great school year!!!!!!

Benefits of Co-teaching:

1. Students with disabilities are provided access to the general education curriculum and general education setting

2. Students with disabilities will still receive specialized instruction

3. Students will have the opportunity to be taught in an intense, individualized manner

4. Greater instructional intensity and differentiated instruction

5. Teachers will learn from each other’s expertise and expand the scope of their teaching capacity

6. Reduces negative stigma associated with pull-out programs

7. Students with disabilities may feel more connected with their peer group