Juniors in Jeffco Public Schools with an unweighted GPA of 3.5 are invited to apply to the Executive High School Internship Program for the summer of 2024.

Note: you are not able to register for this program through Enroll Jeffco. Please reach out to execintern@jeffco.k12.co.us with any questions. Thank you for your interest in the Executive High School Internship Program!

Application Process

February 5 - 18

Application Window


February 20 - 27 

Sign-up for Interviews


Student Interviews 

February/April 2


Mid to end of April

Acceptance Notifications

Students will be notified if they are accepted into the program.

May 7 or May 14

There will be two 2-hour in-person Orientations after school from 4:00-6:00 for all accepted and placed students. (you only  attend one)

Additional Resources

Some opportunities have additional materials to share before Interviews are completed

Summer Teen Volunteer Program UCHealth

Students interested in medicine as a career may consider applying for the opportunity at UCHealth

If a student is accepted into EHSI

Key points: