Coronado Chromebooks

As part of Jeffco's Tech for Ed program, all students in grades 1-5 will have Chromebooks provided by the district Tech for Ed program, and kindergarten will use devices purchased by Coronado.  

In class, we will spend a great deal of time discussing appropriate care and use of Chromebooks, including  Digital Citizenship lessons to teach students how to be safe and smart online.  

Kindergarten and first grade Chromebooks are stored and charged at school.  Students in grades 2-5 are expected to return the device FULLY CHARGED each day to be ready for learning.  Please help your student find a place at home to safely charge the Chromebook each evening.  If a charger is lost or damaged, please reach out to Lisa Pepper, our DTL.  She will order the proper charger and place the fee on your student's Infinite Campus account.  Replacement chargers are around $27.  

Any loss or damage should be reported immediately.  Our IT department will complete all necessary repairs, and your student will be assigned a different device to use.   

If you need help with internet access, please click WiFi Options for Families

Click image to go to Jeffco's Tech for Ed website to answer many of your questions!