Through the Lens 

Part 1 - Creating Film



Background to Short:

This short was created using a camera phone and the free application - InShot. It comprises material found on a regular work desk. It took roughly 20 minutes to create. 


Sample Short

Click to watch

2. Consider a storyboard for your own ultra-short 10 - 30 second film.

Sample Storyboard Template .pdf

Storyboard Template

Click to open/download

Some sources for free images, video and music:

These can be included in your video in place of your own footage or in addition to your own footage.

OpenShot and InShot

3. Depending on your device, click below to download the free application OpenShot or InShot

    (If you are already familiar with other film-making platforms, feel free to use them instead)

This is a free application to download. It is available for PC, Mac, Chrome Book or Linux Computer

Click to download

This is a free application but a pro version is also available. It is an app available for free on phones/tablets

Click to download

Optional - Click to watch some or all of the relevant tutorial below

If using a PC, Mac, Chrome Book or Linux Computer

If using Tablets or Phones (Android or iOS)

4. Create your own ultra-short 10-30 second film

Please note:  All material from each workshop will be available for you to return to.

Having completed this workshop, consider the two questions below: