The Wheelchair on my Face

IMPORTANT: For the activity below we encourage the following:


Step 1:

Click on the extract below to listen again.

Click to play

Below are possible junior cycle learning outcomes
(at both Level 2 and Level 3) which may suit this workshop. 

*Please note that aspects of this workshop may be adapted for senior cycle. 

Step 2:

English Bloom's Taxonomy.pdf

Blooms Taxonomy

Click to open/download

Further supports for The Wheelchair on my Face

Sonya Kelly is an Irish writer from Dublin. Her first play is the one-woman comedy, drama, The Wheelchair on my Face. In 2012 the show won the Scotsman Fringe First Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and it was listed as a critic's pick in The New York Times in 2013. 

You can purchase the play from the publisher, Bloomsbury. Click below to access.

In conversation with Sonya Kelly

Click to listen to our conversation with playwright Sonya Kelly

Getting started with... The Wheelchair on My Face by Sonya Kelly.pdf

Getting started with... The Wheelchair on my Face

Click to open / download

The Wheelchair on My Face - Read and Respond.pdf

Read and Respond featuring an alternate extract and possible activities from the play.

Click to open / download