Plan ahead and help make a Thanksgiving meal possible for a family within our Jackson County community! The Jackson County School System is once again sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive. We are looking for donations of the following items to help feed a family of four this Thanksgiving. Donations will be accepted on Friday, Nov. 15 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. at the Empower College and Career Center Gymnasium! 

The Jackson County School System is once again teaming up with the Atlanta Hawks to host a JCSS Night on Saturday, January 25 as the Hawks host the Toronto Raptors! Tickets include a $10 concession stand credit and a portion of all tickets sold goes back to JCSS! Purchase tickets by visiting 

Bus routes are available by visiting this link.

Follow the EJMS FFA's Facebook page! 


Mr. Youngblood


In an effort to continuously grow and improve as a school system, the Jackson County School System is requesting your feedback through a survey which will be instrumental in helping us continue on our path of growth and improvement.  We appreciate your partnership as we strive for academic and extracurricular excellence. Please Click Here to access the survey. 

The Jackson County School System will no longer be offering over-the-counter medications to students.

Quick Links

Authorization for the release of medical records

Authorization to administer medication at school

Medical Documentation

Seizure Action Plan

Allergy Action Plan

We are moving to ParentSquare as a classroom, school, and district mass communication platform. Families should have received an invitation via the email address associated with a student inside the Parent Portal! Download the app today! 

When do you receive your Parent Square notification? 

By default, each Parent Square account is set to "digest" settings. Digest delivers all messages together at 6 pm to your email/text, while instant allows users to receive an email/text the minute the message is posted. You have the ability to change your notification preferences in your account settings. 

Parents have access to Canvas Parent Observer accounts. These accounts will allow you to see an overview of what your child is learning and have access to a "Parent Resource" hub. This hub will have information specific to your child's teacher. You will find information about the teacher, contact information, a daily schedule, grade level standards, etc. 

You already have an account created if you have an Infinite Campus parent portal account! Please see the attached picture for your username and password. 

Infinite Campus Parent Portal link

Infinite Campus Instructional Guide

Canvas Observer Link

Canvas Informational Guide

📣23 - 24 EJMS kiosk


Instagram: @ejms_official

East Jackson Middle School website