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Registration is open now!



前回のJapan Fiestaでは野外エリアへのアクセスは無料としより多くの利用者を見込んでいましたが、実際はバラエティに富んだ文化コンテンツを備えた有料の屋内会場を同時に楽しまれた方がほどんどでした。また、今回は土曜日開催となるためリカトン・サンデー・マーケットの顧客と被ることは無く、ジャパフェスを楽しむことを目的した方のみが来訪します。さらに、屋内トイレ利用の問題なども考慮し混乱を避けるためにも、今回より一部のエリアを除いた野外のエンタメ会場・屋台街への入場は有料となります。


Japan Fiestaの屋台街に訪れる方は日本の食べ物を期待しています。しかし、多くの来場者の食欲や嗜好を十分に満たす必要もあるため出店は日本食にこだわりません。そこで、食べ物屋台は①スポンサー、②地元日本人コミュニティー、③日本食、④インターナショナルフード、の順番でメイン会場ビルに近い方、及び下段列(風の影響が少ないエリア)から場所が割り当てられます。


スポンサー以外の一般出店希望者は、登録準備が整いましたら、まず下記のオンライン ショッピング システムからサイトスペースを購入してください。(表示料金にGSTが加算されます。)割引については下記「特別出店割引のご案内」をご覧ください。


続いて、下記登録フォームにて Outdoor Food/Goods Stalls を選択し、必要事項を記入・送信してください。





・JSCテントへのダメージに対する補償あるいは修理が必要な場合は、「Terms and Condition」記載内容とは別に、出店当事者、イベント運営、JSCとで協議することとします。










スポンサー以外の一般出店希望者は、登録準備が整いましたら、まず下記のオンライン ショッピング システムからサイトスペースを購入してください。(表示料金にGSTが加算されます。)割引については下記「特別出店割引のご案内」をご覧ください。


続いて、下記登録フォームにて Indoo General Booth を選択し、必要事項を記入・送信してください。


*GST will be added

Please purchase for only those whose maximum power consumption exceeds 2400W.

出店スペースご購入時に自動送信される「Order Confirmation」がインボイス・領収書の代わりとさせていただきます。

下記は「Order Confirmation」のサンプル画像です。矢印の4桁の数字が整理番号です。




JSC会員以外でも日本で定番となっている露店(メニュー)であれば、審査の上、最大$200の出店料特別割引をいたします。また、ブースにて来場者に日本文化体験を提供いただける企業・団体には、審査の上、最大$400の出店料特別割引をいたします。割引資格認定者には割引コードを発行しますので、支払いの際コードを入力してください。対象と思われる方はEnquiryフォームまたは event@japandaisuki.co.nz までお問い合わせください。

Japan Fiesta ex 2023 Boothholder Registration Form

Japan Fiesta Boothholder Registration Terms and Conditions

By registering for a Japan Fiesta Boothholder, you are agreeing to abide by all these Terms and Conditions.

‘Boothholder’ means a company, individual or group and its/their staff and associates who book and run a booth or space at Japan Fiesta EX 2023.

Any Food stall holders - individuals, groups or companies cooking and/or selling any type of food at Japan Fiesta - will also be registered under ‘Japan Fiesta Boothholder’.

Make sure your booth set-up does not raise any health and safety issues. All Boothholders and associates must have read and understood ‘Japan Fiesta EX Health and Safety Plan’ which shall be provided prior to Japan Fiesta EX 2023.

Please keep your area as clean and tidy as possible. Be mindful of your neighbouring booths. Abusive or violent behaviour shall not be tolerated.

Please do not place items in front of, or otherwise block, the fire exits. Weapons, dangerous goods, drones and non-service animals are prohibited. 

Drugs, alcohol, smoking and vaping are all forbidden at the venue at all times.

Absolutely no flames, naked or contained, are allowed. In case of fire, evacuation should be commenced. Please exit the building immediately using the nearest Fire Exit, and/or follow the fire warden’s and security staff’s instructions.

We recommend that you wear face covering and use hand sanitisers often. Other Covid related compliance shall be adopted as required at such times Government Covid regulations are changed. The need for full compliance with all Covid related requirements and any future changes must be understood and accepted by all Boothholders.

Japan Fiesta EX is a family-friendly event. Adult items are allowed providing those items do not breach NZ law or Censorship standards. You must ensure your displayed work is suitable for all ages. 

Pirated goods and merchandise are not permitted at the event. Japan Fiesta NZ Committee reserves the right to remove such material and Boothholders from the event if there is reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the product/s. 

Any damage done by the Boothholder to the booth area and the venue during Japan Fiesta EX 2023, any associated repair costs, and consequential financial loss to the venue management/Japan Fiesta NZ Committee, are your responsibility. If you see any pre-existing damage such as scratches and dents, please tell us before you set-up. 

No Participation fees are refundable in case of cancellation. However, refunds of sponsorship fees are subject to the terms of the Agreement.

If Japan Fiesta EX 2023 cannot be held due to Covid restrictions, it will be postponed and a new date will be advised at the time of cancellation. Your registrations will still apply for the new date. If the new date isn't suitable for you, you must request a refund within two weeks of the postponement announcement.

Any extra or related Food Registration cost required by city council to set-up and run your Boothholder booth to cook and/or sell any type of food are your responsibility. 

Japan Fiesta NZ Committee reserves the right to refuse/remove any signage, advertising or displays in any event area, including Boothholder’s booths, if it is in conflict with the commercial interests of Japan Fiesta NZ Committee/Japan Daisuki Ltd and/or venue management, or poses any risk to the general public, is offensive in any way or for any other legitimate critical reason as decided by venue management/Japan Fiesta NZ Committee.

Limitation of Liability 

Japan Fiesta NZ Committee/Japan Daisuki Ltd will not be liable for any failure to perform their obligations under this Agreement where such failure is caused by events beyond their reasonable control. 

While care is taken to keep Boothholders’ property safe, the Japan Fiesta NZ Committee takes no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged property during set-up or on event day. Any transactions made between Boothholders and customers are entirely the responsibility of said parties, not the Japan Fiesta NZ Committee.

Without limiting any exclusion of Japan Fiesta NZ Committee/Japan Daisuki Ltd’s liability under the Agreement, their maximum aggregate liability under or in connection with this Contract shall not exceed the total amount payable by the Licensee in respect of the Event Licence provided pursuant to this Contract. 

Japan Fiesta NZ Committee/Japan Daisuki Ltd will not be liable for any loss of profits or any consequential, indirect or special loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever suffered by the Licensee arising directly or indirectly from any breach of any of their obligations arising under or in connection with this Contract or from any cancellation of this Agreement or from any negligence, misrepresentation or other act or omission on the part of the venue management, its employees, agents or contractors.

The Japan Fiesta NZ Committee shall not be held responsible for any Copyright and/or Trademark infringements made by Boothholders, anyone sharing their Table, or anyone they may sell items on behalf of. Any legal action that may result from copyright and/or trademark infringement is the sole responsibility of the Boothholders. By Registering as a Boothholder you agree to legally indemnify The Japan Fiesta NZ Committee and Anime New Zealand against any such legal action.

By registering you agree to receive emails about Japan Fiesta NZ 2023 and collateral information. 

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic Japan Fiesta EX 2023 will be subject to all Government requirements as at the time of the event. 

If anyone is denied access to Japan Fiesta EX 2023 for any reason pertaining to NZ Government COVID19 regulations no refund of any Fees shall be made. It is your responsibility to assess whether you will be able to fully comply with any Government regulations in force at the time of the event.

Breaches of the above requirements may result in a Boothholder Registration being cancelled. In that case, no refund for registration fees will be provided. If the Japan Fiesta NZ Committee cancels the Boothholder Registrations under this clause it shall not be liable to pay the Boothholder any compensation for loss or damage and will have no further legal obligations with respect to them.

The Japan Fiesta NZ Committee, represented by Japan Daisuki Ltd. All rights reserved. All decisions are final.

Event Brief

Date: October 14th, Saturday 2023 10am-6pm

Venue: Riccarton Park 

Organiser: Japan Fiesta NZ committee

Supporter: Consular Office of Japan in Christchurch / The Japanese Society of Canterbury / Crunchyroll

Event operation:  Japan Daisuki Ltd

Venue Location