Session organizers

1.- Algebraic Topology

2.- Applied Topology

3.- Continuum Theory 

4.- Dynamic Systems

5.- Fuzzy Topology

6.- Set Theoretic Topology and Set Theory

7.- Geometric Topology

8.- Low dimension topology

9.- Topological Algebra

10.- Poster Session

The congress will consist of 9 parallel sessions, one for each area of knowledge into which the congress has been divided, with conferences both face-to-face and online, and there will be 9 Plenary Conferences, one for each session. An attendance of 120 researchers from different parts of the world, and 40 postgraduate and undergraduate students from Mexican universities is expected. This means that approximately 200 people will attend between participants and companions (these calculations are made based on the average attendance at these congresses). It is estimated that there will be 170 conferences, of which 90 will be face-to-face and 80 will be online.

The memories of this congress will be published by the prestigious magazine Topology and its Applications, North Holland, in a special issue dedicated to IPPICTA-2023. This issue will publish those works presented at the congress that approve the high academic level that this journal demands from its authors.